Price for a big ceiling?

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New Member
Been asked to quote on skimming a ceiling. Havnt seen the job yet, but its a 1000sq mtrs. so its a large one.

Any ideas how to price it?? Not done anything like this size so i know it would take a few spreads on the go, but not got much idea.

All comments welcome :) :)
Been asked to quote on skimming a ceiling. Havnt seen the job yet, but its a 1000sq mtrs. so its a large one.

Any ideas how to price it?? Not done anything like this size so i know it would take a few spreads on the go, but not got much idea.

All comments welcome  :) :)

1000 sqm? do u mean 100sqm :-/
Been asked to quote on skimming a ceiling. Havnt seen the job yet, but its a 1000sq mtrs. so its a large one.

Any ideas how to price it?? Not done anything like this size so i know it would take a few spreads on the go, but not got much idea.

All comments welcome  :) :)

1000 sqm? do u mean 100sqm :-/

No i mean a 1000sqm :'(
Been asked to quote on skimming a ceiling. Havnt seen the job yet, but its a 1000sq mtrs. so its a large one.

Any ideas how to price it?? Not done anything like this size so i know it would take a few spreads on the go, but not got much idea.

All comments welcome  :) :)

1000 sqm? do u mean 100sqm :-/

No i mean a 1000sqm  :'(

all one ceiling or seperate areas ?
i'd get hold of a good tape jointer and price it at ........whatever you want
Been asked to quote on skimming a ceiling. Havnt seen the job yet, but its a 1000sq mtrs. so its a large one.

Any ideas how to price it?? Not done anything like this size so i know it would take a few spreads on the go, but not got much idea.

All comments welcome  :) :)

1000 sqm? do u mean 100sqm :-/

No i mean a 1000sqm  :'(

all one ceiling or seperate areas ?

All in one go matey!!
Be interesting to see the comments back on this one Big Mart - Guess its straight onto board ? At £3 a metre ?

£3000 pounds would be my guesstimate but probably way off the mark - Need the A-Team on this one - Seggsy, Church and Nicksey
Been asked to quote on skimming a ceiling. Havnt seen the job yet, but its a 1000sq mtrs. so its a large one.

Any ideas how to price it?? Not done anything like this size so i know it would take a few spreads on the go, but not got much idea.

All comments welcome  :) :)

1000 sqm? do u mean 100sqm :-/

No i mean a 1000sqm  :'(

all one ceiling or seperate areas ?

All in one go matey!!

fvcking hell thats a mission spose u would have to charge it at a meter rate, trying to estimate the length of time could be a mistake
and weller,bodplasterer, murplastering, trowel addict, ................. ;D
i was going to say bigbud can come along and sweep the floor but i thought he might read this and get upset so i wont bother...............oops
put kettle on lad ;)
if you need a hand mate let us know i could prob get hold of a couple of good spreads too
1000m2s christ you'd have a job doin it with a machine, thats some floor space must be a massive building or hes tellin you porkies brother
fooking hell youd probably need 2 lads for the day just to scrim it!
if you need a hand mate let us know i could prob get hold of a couple of good spreads too

Bye the sounds of it i'll need all the top spreaders i can get on this one mate... Will defo keep you to that offer mate.

Will have a look on the weekend and see if its what he says it is and if it is i will be shouting HELP as loud as i can... ;D
3 weetabix first thing, strong cuppa at 8, you'll breeze it!! where abouts is it?
how the hell is a STUDIO 1000m2 someone has their wires crossed here for if its currently lath and plaster it would be almost impossible to lower without rsj's to hold it all up lol
how the hell is a STUDIO 1000m2 someone has their wires crossed here for if its currently lath and plaster it would be almost impossible to lower without rsj's to hold it all up lol

All i can say is whats been passed to me, like i said its all talk until i have actualy seen it. All im doing here is putting out what ive been told to gauge reaction and pricing information.

Thats it ina nutshell fella!
how the hell is a STUDIO 1000m2 someone has their wires crossed here for if its currently lath and plaster it would be almost impossible to lower without rsj's to hold it all up lol

All i can say is whats been passed to me, like i said its all talk until i have actualy seen it. All im doing here is putting out what ive been told to gauge reaction and pricing information.

Thats it ina nutshell fella!

what were u thinking of pricing it at big mart?
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