price check?

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New Member
just workin a quick one out for a customer that iv work with befor..they want:

1 bedroom (3x3)

over board celing
Skim room

H/S/L and up and down stairs landing.

over board celing
was all wood chip before..
all to be skimed..

iv said half day to board celing 1.5 to skim room
3.5 to skim hallways and celings

at £140 a day plus 2 days for a lab at £100

total labour £800

plus £175 mats

no carpets to wori about or skirts or cove.,,

does this seem fair?

im sure i can hit it quicker again. but like iv said befor i like to cover my back,.
wot u rekon?
Have you ever priced a job without coming on here first??
Sometimes you have just got to go with what you think mate.
Im sure your more than capable of pricing these jobs and if you are getting the work then your pricing must be right.
I sometimes worry I may have priced too high or too low but you have to learn from your own mistakes.

Sorry if I am sounding a bit rude.
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