poor dot & dab

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done a job not long ago and the dot and dab was very uneven & very untidy around windows, some of the walls i had to bond, to even out before plastering, also put bonding in first coat of multi, because i thought some areas need to be thicker than 2mm. would apprecitaed any advice christ
charge em extra, that'd be my advice, and if you end up followin the same bloke again, charge em again...they'll soon get the message...
whats seems to be the problem obviosly not yours if you were trying to make a good job out of a bad one,have they come back to you complaining
the owner did the d&d, his first time. just was wondering if i was right to put bonding in first coat of multi to use it a bit thicker? or level it out using bonding and then use multi finsh without bonding in it. what would you have done ?
Ah the wonders of DIY
I had this before and one board was out by about 7mm. I used bonding coat to fill out and ruled it off using the proud board as a line. Had no issues with it.
the owner did the d&d, his first time. just was wondering if i was right to put bonding in first coat of multi to use it a bit thicker? or level it out using bonding  and then use multi finsh without bonding in it. what would you have done ?

I never add anything to multi to be honest. I would always use the bonding to level out prior to the finish. If it was the customer who did the D&D then he shouldn't have any complaints about an paying a bit extra to put things right. Make him stand in a corner with his hands on his head for good measure ;)
it always worries me when a home owner says i'll board it for you, inch gaps, uneven and boards wrong way round. i always warn them that if its not spot on they'll be paying more, took a while to work that one out tho!
some times if im skimmin over a wall with loadsa cracks (i skrim them first) then add a hand full off mulit to the first coat of finish..make it stronger..bit like adding fibers...
some people allways do this on boardwork the make it tuffer.
Some of the worse tackers you'll see are actually other trades,we do work for a couple of brickies and you have never seen tacking like it board adhesive all over the walls 9andhalf board tacked up to 12 gaps the width of the scrim screws hanging out of it.Thats why brickies build straight walls and somone has to pick them up and turn them round when they get to a corner!
got this job on next week,full house...couple are boarding the ceilings themselves..
good job i got there early, they managed 3 boards up in a day, ran the boards along the joists not square to em..started in the corner, and didnt cut any off em so the edge of the board was floatin about between 2 joists...1 quick crash course in boardin...
they was gonna dab a couple of walls too....
told em id do the dabbin and throw it in with the job long as they get the gear...prolly save myself 2 hours prep work and a big headache!
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