Polystyrene Tiles

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Hello All
Just putting together a quote for a job just been to see, its a first for me as never had to work with polstyrene tiles before, the jobs 4 ceilings 16m2 / 16m2 / 8m2 / 8m2 all covered with 10 inch square polystyrene tiles, guy wants them removed and ceilings fully skimmed. Any advice on best course of action and what price you would go in with would be much appreciated, cheers
the tiles should come off quite easily. 10 minute jobby. its the glue youve got to be careful off. get as much as you can off. people have said on here before they've had a reaction with the pva and skim. 2 days. get the first one scraped. then get your labourer to scrape the others while your skimming the first one.
Hello Mate
Thought the glue would be a problem and would probaly need a coat of bonding to cover it prior to skimming, the 2 16m2 ceilings are in rooms that are fully carpeted so quite abit of sheeting up to do
no need for bonding. just give it 2 good coats. it won't stick out that much its just the pva might react to it. allow 3 days then if your not sure.
Cheers Mate
Will go for 3 as work on my own, was amazed these things were still in peoples houses especially with the fire risk
i did this once and when pva'd i found the glue softened right up and could be removed totally. any bits still there will be fine
Board over them thats what I do.

By time your finished f*ck acting about removing them and the glue the price aint much different anyway!
(sorry cap lock prob ;D ) It dont take that much longer
I know what your saying about overboarding mate but pretty sure there now illegal so have to remove them, your right thou would be better
Hellish things. You might be lucky and find that they've just been pasted on. But you've gotta ask yourself....do you feel lucky? well do ya...punk? 8)
Johnathon said:
I know what your saying about overboarding mate but pretty sure there now illegal so have to remove them, your right thou would be better

They arn't illegal thats one of the b*llshlt rumours that knock about, they sell them in b & q.

Anyway if you boarded over them then theres fire protection.
Johnathon said:
Hello Mate
Never knew that, so you would go straight for the overboard method

Its horses for courses of course, but, another thing is they may be up there to hide and absolutely f*cked ceiling.

You might take them off then realise you have to board the f*cker anyway :)
nelly said:
Johnathon said:
Hello Mate
Never knew that, so you would go straight for the overboard method

Its horses for courses of course, but, another thing is they may be up there to hide and absolutely f*cked ceiling.

You might take them off then realise you have to board the f*cker anyway :)

Agreed, we never take em off always overboard em , been doing it over twenty years no probs, like Nelly said they are enclosed and boards are mech fixed so there no real issues (don't forget we fix eps bonded boards to walls now and have been for quite some time)
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