adi the spread
New Member
anyone in north east doing polished plastering if so where nearest place for materials? cheers
the polished plaster company check them out online there gear is hard to use but there finish is the best ;Dadi the spread said:anyone in north east doing polished plastering if so where nearest place for materials? cheers
adi the spread said:anyone in north east doing polished plastering if so where nearest place for materials? cheers
Render Systems said:The last paid polished plaster job i did was about 8 years ago in a bar/nightclub in Reading called Ice i made a fortune on it as well, I have done the odd wall in my house and a staircase for a mate (freebie) and thats about it, charge from £120.00 per m2 (nice if you can get it)
I UNDER STAND WHAT UR SAYIN MATE BUT IVE USED MIKE WYE ,, GOLDTROWL,BLUEBELL,POLISHE PLASTER,AND SOME AMERICAN FIRM AND POLISHED PLASTER JUST LOOKS THE BEST WE DID THINK THAT THEY PUT ACRYLICS IN THERE PRODUCTS BUT IT LOOKS THE BEST EVEN THOUGH ITS THE HARDEST TO USEfcoff said:Well I actually disagree with what George has said, each to there own Bought mine and trained at Goldtrowel, I have tried polished plastering company and you cannot go and do 30 metres with their stuff let alone put it in bathrooms it ain't waterproof that's the point. Not only that when I did their course I couldn't work out what gear they used to what I used, can you explain that.
By the way polished plaster put more acrylic in their product which ain't any cop.....
There are many finishes out their,depends what you want, Ineeded to be competent out in the real world, Andy is always there for his continual support, not just that there's many finishes to do, most importantly doing the meterage which they do have a new set up. Me money was well worth spending several times over