plinth mix

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hello lads.what mix ratio do you like to use for a you keep it the same as the rest of the render or a little bit stronger.cheers
high dense block and engineer brick.bit of a mish mash.the extension was built by to alcholic brickies.
church said:
A bit of sharp sand wouldnt hurt in the mix , just leave out the lime

Hmm im doing a farm house next week with a 14 inch plinth needed right around it, i am lime rendering the whole place including the plinth as you know lime will allow the water to penetrate but it also allows it to come back out, in my opinion if you put a cement plinth on this could cause dampness as the water will be trapped behind it
Here in plymouth ALL houses have a sand/cement plinth and I mean 99% of them and I have never heard/had any problems .... ever
Years ago i told by a site agent never use hydrated lime below damp and i never have done , i dont think its suitable in constent damp conditions .
church said:
Years ago i told by a site agent never use hydrated lime below damp and i never have done , i dont think its suitable in constent damp conditions .

Im Using Hydraulic Lime mate NHL 3.5
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