please help me to price

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I have a room 8-4.6m to skim all plasterboard also has a small room within for a toilet.I reckon 2 days for a 2&1 £720 cash not inc materials.Does this seem OK as i am new to this pricing malarkey and i want to make sure i get it right as it is part of a double ext with a loft on it and i could end up doing that as well.I currently work for another spread who takes a cut out of my day rate and he doesn't let me in on what he charges so that's why i am on here asking for advice.So if anyone out there could let me no what price they would put in i would be mostly gratefull
2 days work for 720 no mats! seems high..i do it on a day rate plus extra for how much hassle the job will be and over estamate the time it will take!
As above mate, £720.00 for two days miles out.If you can get that fair play.

Two days max @£150.00 P/D = £300.00 Shouldn't need a lab but if you do theres another £140.00

Total £440.00 Less mats.
Its 8 metres by 4.6metres walls with separate room for a toilet.the lid is 36.8 sq m.2 days on my own seems a bit much.I was working it out for 2 spreads £300 + £60 for lab is £360 x 2 days £720.Looks like I'm getting it all wrong i will have to drop the rates big time.thanks for your replies
All depends on where you are in the country, how much work is about etc. Always found that each job should be priced on its own merits in the domestic market. Very difficult to to be precise when helping others out on pricing, you've really got to see the job and know its location etc.
All in all £360 per day for 2 trademen and a labourer aint ripping nobody off if the job will stand it and more importantly if its worth it.
id be going in at 200 a day plus whatever for labourer, I dont see it being 2 days though. 2 spreads and a labourer you should be doing it in a day no problem. so id say about 550 with materials.
I work on my own and work on an average of £40 per bag of multi on decent jobs I estimate it a being a 12 bagger so I'd charge £480 or thereabouts. Ceilings a tad on large side for me to do on mi jack jones though, so had have a lab for that so add another £40. :o
terry said:
I have a room 8-4.6m to skim all plasterboard also has a small room within for a toilet.I reckon 2 days for a 2&1 £720 cash not inc materials.Does this seem OK as i am new to this pricing malarkey and i want to make sure i get it right as it is part of a double ext with a loft on it and i could end up doing that as well.I currently work for another spread who takes a cut out of my day rate and he doesn't let me in on what he charges so that's why i am on here asking for advice.So if anyone out there could let me no what price they would put in i would be mostly gratefull

personally id drop the labourer for an area that small for 2 men u shud bang that out in a day at a push a small spread the next day dont be too proud to mix an clean up after yourself haha £500 all in leave a tidy job an you'll get the rest of the work to do
nappers bang on there with his price but id be sticking around and doing it all in a day and id be busy on the corner trowel in the small room, two men one hard day job done give me the diamonds
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