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This depends on what you are plastering over regarding timing, different backgrounds create different suctions there for the second coat will have to be applied at different times , as for thickness a couple of mm is fine.
wait till the first coat is sort of cheesey, so if you touch it, it will leave a fingerprint but its got some firmness. i go very thin on my second coat, only 1mm or so.
Thats a question you will only learn with experience, as church said it all depends on the background also weather conditions can affect timing, as for the second coat it all depends on how good your first coat is.
i remeber seing a thread from uki spreads i think where the chap said ' do i second coat it the next day' ;D
A mate of mine skimmed a ceiling as a favour for a bloke he knew. He only charged £60 for it. When i spoke to him he was so proud of himself. He told me how he had practiced his techniques and felt he was making a vast improvement and could see himself doing some more plastering work in the futre. He then told me he was going to pop back the next day to put his second coat on!!! He was gutted when i told him what he would have to do to sort it. I dont think he has picked his trowel up since cos hes been passing my name onto people.
i do a thick fist coat and if im ina rush i do a thick second coat and add water to it after mixing to make it set fast as f**k ...tip tip tip
I usually put first coat on wash the edges down and then put second coat on straight away /always from the same mix.
ill then flatten it when ready .
Whilst the wall/walls are going off- im then straight onto next walls with a fresh mix-then go back and polish the first wall /walls.
skimmin2day said:
I usually put first coat on wash the edges down and then put second coat on straight away /always from the same mix.
ill then flatten it when ready .
Whilst the wall/walls are going off- im then straight onto next walls with a fresh mix-then go back and polish the first wall /walls.

guessing that you use a spotboard?
skimmin2day said:
I usually put first coat on wash the edges down and then put second coat on straight away /always from the same mix.
ill then flatten it when ready .
Whilst the wall/walls are going off- im then straight onto next walls with a fresh mix-then go back and polish the first wall /walls.
what do you do if you have not enough stuff to second coat from the first mix ?
skimmin2day said:
always use a spot board mate,saves on bending and sets the mix of a bit quicker also.
ah thought so, i hate not using a spot board. i find the mix left in a bucket goes off ridiculously fast, keeps your hands warm in winter i guess
I mix in the big rubber yellow buckets 1.5 bags of finnish to half bucket water this is usually enough to do a large wall or average ceiling in 2 coats prob about 20m2 or maybe 2 small walls.
Ill tip half bucket onto spot...that go in 5-10 minutes then remaining bucket .immediately wash bucket to save time later and on with second coat.
Flatten off,and onto next mix.come back and polish after 2nd coating with the second mix.
even if the spot is wet when you start off ( which it must be !!!!! ) if you keep taking from the top of spot by the time you first coated and using the rest of mix from the spot it will be starting to turn as you second coat.ABSOLUTELY NO NEED TO MAKE A FRERSH MIX,THIS IS A MYTH AS FAR AS IM CONCERNED,NEVER MIXED A 2ND BATCH TO COAT ONE WALL IN 20 YEARS AND ALWAYS BEEN PAID WITH LITTLE TO NO COMEBACKS.
well i allways fresh mix...mostly as i want the first coat to as every one on here says goes cheesy or harden up a lil..iv seen people to 2 coat straight away? basically is 1 coat and always seems to look a lil wavey in the light.IMO
You can 2 coat with the same mix no problem if you can lay very flat and the boardwork is perfect, for example no steps in it, highspots etc and if you are laying small areas.

If your gonna lay big sets then usually there isnt enough gear left in the tub anyway

richardbrown said:
You can 2 coat with the same mix no problem if you can lay very flat and the boardwork is perfect, for example no steps in it, highspots etc and if you are laying small areas.

If your gonna lay big sets then usually there isnt enough gear left in the tub anyway


iv see people who do second coat with new mix but lay it stright on with no flattenin!!!!!!!!!!1
If you lay fast and very flat sometimes you dont need to flatten.

Oasis there is a huge difference in the way people work, I have seen people lay up and it looks like it has been thrown on the wall with a shovel, I on the other hand take pride in my work and can lay fast and flat.

yea i dont lay that 4 some reson iv been skimmin 6-7 years last 3 on me own but i never took on the wrist action thin..iv done it my way for so long..
say i am going from the left to the right..i will swipe right then take the trowel of the wall and go back to were i started and flatten that same swipe..but i do that quite fast as iv done it for years..

to be fair iv not reali tryed the other way much at all..but im guessing it will save me time and stop me gettin so many air bubbles as i some times find..
you shouldnt have to flatten your roughing on coat its a waste of time just try and get it flat on your first then the same on the second.
I find if you leave the second coat a little ruff and wait for it to go a little stiff then pull the creases out and save the s**t you pull of for potholes later.
I donty play with either coat really,i just lay it on as quick as i can on as many walls as i can untill its ready to trowel up.
All the time you going over and over your work your wasting time as you could be putting other walls on.
Once you got the 2 coats on the walls and youve pulled the creases out so the walls are flat you wont lose the walls just use some water to bring them back to life so layon as much as possible and dont waste you energy going over and over it.
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