Plastering workwear

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I'm tired of going through Polo shirts and jeans, so i'm looking for some ideas. What's everybody wear for plastering?
only the best ,with out the fish
Plastering workwear
i got the snickers trousers, the crotch needs sewing again. its because of my large penis. even the expensive stuff goes a knacker so stick to cheap s**t or old good clothes.
lol if i can wear old armani jeans to work, i'm sure i might be able to stretch to mars bar troosers! ;D Aye, steve, plastering fuks everything, eventually. ::)
Danny said:
lol I wear shorts and a vest followed by t shirt then a polo shirt


Right said fred. danny? ;D It's too cold up here for shorts and vests....unless they are under your work clothes :D
oasis said:
I'm wearing pair of £190 y-3 trainers now! they dont look like they will make Monday

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the FUK £190 for a pair of gutties :o
I keep an eye out at all the second hand shops on the way to a job. Been wearing teletubbies p.j's today. Droped back in on the way home. What will tomorrow bring?
pair of £6 joggin bottoms and a multi pack of t-shirts from primark. Just bin em when theyve had too much stick (cheaper and less earache than breakin the washin machine)
lewisricekrispy said:
I keep an eye out at all the second hand shops on the way to a job. Been wearing teletubbies p.j's today. Droped back in on the way home. What will tomorrow bring?

;D ;D

I did that once, not easy skimming a ceiling in a wedding dress :'( :'(
This week, I have been mostly working in a white tuxedo. It's great, because the blobs of joint cement don't show up. The freesia button hole keeps making me sneeze though.
all my t shirts are the pub promos my local pubs always give them to me which is handy I just keep dropping in for

I wear shorts in winter as soon as you get moving its ok

Nisus said:
lewisricekrispy said:
I keep an eye out at all the second hand shops on the way to a job. Been wearing teletubbies p.j's today. Droped back in on the way home. What will tomorrow bring?

;D ;D

I did that once, not easy skimming a ceiling in a wedding dress :'( :'(
lol ;D
steve cov said:
i got the snickers trousers, the crotch needs sewing again. its because of my large penis. even the expensive stuff goes a knacker so stick to cheap (german word) or old good clothes.

kin el,you wear chocolate trousers :o
Why not just go naked!
It's free & refreshing.
Plus nice airflow to the sack region keeping you cool all day long!
No more betty swollocks ;)

Go on let it all hang out.
Got my old diesel zathan jeans on at the minute wife says makes my ar@e look nice finished off with a snickers hoody in black with white trim I must say I do look awesome!
Anything that fits me like a glove on a chickens lip that's cheap and light, hate theses expensive heavy work trousers with all the pockets on full of muck in no time
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