when i was young 16 years ago the first time ip icked up a trowl and hawk it meant something 10 years later s
omeone said u will never get ruid of of hawk and trowl .
im not sayin plastering aint made me money over the years but even when i have lost money people used to look and say wow there is a knack to th now it seems any one with sandpaper and filler belives it is not a trade and i hope one day soon all our hard work in the the process of learnin this trade people understand how hard it is the other day some one said to me how much fuc u plasterers take the pis dont ya ,
i let rip and said we work hard for it mate and have to retire early there is not many spreads workin over 50 mate
and whats more its always someone wants the job the job run right and fair if u want a s**t job by someone that doesnt give a s**t then and cracks all over the place then hire someone else ............guess what .......i got the job ...maybe we are onthe up
omeone said u will never get ruid of of hawk and trowl .
im not sayin plastering aint made me money over the years but even when i have lost money people used to look and say wow there is a knack to th now it seems any one with sandpaper and filler belives it is not a trade and i hope one day soon all our hard work in the the process of learnin this trade people understand how hard it is the other day some one said to me how much fuc u plasterers take the pis dont ya ,
i let rip and said we work hard for it mate and have to retire early there is not many spreads workin over 50 mate
and whats more its always someone wants the job the job run right and fair if u want a s**t job by someone that doesnt give a s**t then and cracks all over the place then hire someone else ............guess what .......i got the job ...maybe we are onthe up