plastering over old plaster

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New Member
need to skim over old plaster do i need to apply a coat of watered down pva first??

if so what sort should i use?
a wud personally give it three coats if you just give it one it might not even make a diffrence n the plaster will go off quick ;) its amazing how much sweat u save with a few coats of pva ;D
i will pick some up at screwfix gotta go there tomorrow anyway.
i am doing a celling 4mx41/2m how much should i need??
just grab a 5 litre, youll have loads left but youll use that on next job, youll prolly use about a litre, make first / second coat really wet so the plaster sucks it in, bout 4/5:1 then put a 3:1 coat on that youll let go tacky before you mix up..
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