plastering inside fireplace

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New Member
hello to everyone im new to the forum. NEED HELP
im gonna be skimming the inside of a fireplace (chimney breast) but was wondering if there woz
a special way to do this as im sure the heat would crack the plaster afterwards
all help would be appreciated :) ;)
as far as im aware theres no special way, done a few with just the normal materials, bonding for backing coat and multi finish for front coat, obviously if theres sign of dampt etc sand and cement with water proffer etc.

as long as its left to dry for a good month before the fire put in it should be fine.

dont forget if theres soot to put some stain coverer paint on it, i use B.I.N

what are they going to be using in the fire place? will they be burning logs or coal or will they be putting in a electric fire etc.
i wouldnt be skimming inside a real fireplace full stop, itll just end up in the ashes..
render it possibly..
dunno what chair bricks are made of but its gonna have some sort of fire cememnt in it..
you can buy fire cement but it comes in small tubs bout 1 litre, no good for rendering..
try googleing fireproof render or somesuch...
if its covered in soot already you are in for a really fun time tryin to get anything to stick to it...
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