plastering Contractor

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On a job at the moment for Barretts and found out they are building 400 houses down the road from me, me and my mate recon we could do em, can easily get a couple of gangs together NP and supply matts got a rough idea what prices are, really they only pay so much for each design of house. Question is who would i see about getting the work, the contracts manager ? also what else would you need things like detailed risk assesments and method statements that kind of crap. Cheers
Would of thought it would be a hell of lot of paperwork and red tape, getting involved in house bashing....All barrets are dabbed and taped though ain't they?....Been doing a few down here in and out and the prices are f**k**g shoking..
If you're already on a job for them - see the top dog on site and ask him (or her - modern world!) They bound to know who to see.
Would of thought it would be a hell of lot of paperwork and red tape, getting involved in house bashing....All barrets are dabbed and taped though ain't they?....Been doing a few down here in and out and the prices are f**k**g shoking..
These are dabbed and skimmed, there is some out side work just small panels of rusticated render, prices are crap like you say but it could be steady for a good while
If you're already on a job for them - see the top dog on site and ask him (or her - modern world!) They bound to know who to see.

I know what your saying mate the guy were subbing to atm isnt doing these i dont think ,but dont want to step on his toes hes been pretty good with us, dont want him to think were going behind his back if SM says something. I might just ask one of the other subbies for contract managers No. or email and ask directly, worst he can say is no.
I know what your saying mate the guy were subbing to atm isnt doing these i dont think ,but dont want to step on his toes hes been pretty good with us, dont want him to think were going behind his back if SM says something. I might just ask one of the other subbies for contract managers No. or email and ask directly, worst he can say is no.

So.....he's been pretty good to you , and you 'dont think' he' is doing these.
And you you don't want to step on his toes. So you'll be asking him then?:huh::rolleyes)
big contractors usually like to qualify you to their tender list first - you would be better speaking to procurment or estimating depts first off, find out who the Qs is for that job and put your intentions to them if they want to qualify you then there could be some bollix credit rating/limit/ needed and other nonsense like your turnover etc. but if you dont need qualified then as a minimum I would recon you need to set up as a LTD co make sure your employers liability and public liability is in check to the right level plus your safety such as risk assessments and then relative method statements. you may need waste management programme also with the tightening of waste disposal and gypsum recycling
i think most firms will operate differently,
best thing to do is cut the middle man out,ive done it on a site we was once on ,as this is an open forum for obvious reasons im not going to mention names etc.l was on a large site subbing [2-1 gang, trading as a business in 2005 i was 25 at the time] when rates were good and i went to head office got talking to one of the directors it was a ltd company not plc and long story short got the contract for 60 town houses that was the companies next project they knew my standard of work was good at the time.they wanted 2 previous ref of similar jobs id done which i didnt have fortunatly i was well in with another firm at the time so the site agent gave me a cast iron ref and i got another of a firm of architects that was talked up. didnt have to prove prev accounts tho in this case but had to alter my insurance liabilities
internal only dotand dab and finish,labour plant took a strain on my finances as it was 30 days plus retention from invoice and with 6 other lads to pay aswell as me and mat it was a stretch at the time.i had to have mission statements health and safety policy[all a load of tosh] ihad to sign a contract at time plus we were on time penaltys at time as we were to a fairly keen time be honest i made a few quid out of it but not millions by the time id paid my liabilities and considering the hasstle and responsibilties.not sure how youd go on now with current poor rates tho
the hasstles were never ending as well.dont do it knowadays sitework, just me and 2 others and i dont do so advice would be to give it ago as previosly said they can only say no, just got to have balls.
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Cheers to John and Owls nice one lads. ill see how it goes it will probably come to nowt anyway, just having one of those "we should cut out the middleman days".
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