Plastering and pva

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Yes another PVA debate......

I just wondered how you all know when and where to use PVA, back to basics I know but a little patience would be appreciated.. I mean I know a plasterer just knocks up PVA until its about 4/1 and uses 2 coats of that in all indoor plastering. Say if you were plastering a ceiling, I think its 5-1 to kill the suction and then 3-1 for adhesion and hit when tacky. How do u actually know when to use thicker mixes. The other day the bloke I was working with scraped of all the wallpaper and then put 1 coat of 3-1 (pva-water) onto the wall and bonded over it but then again he PVA'd a low suction wall and applied hardwall in which i told him was wrong, so it shows people just throw PVA on and assume that will work...

Does everyone have certain mixes for certain situations?

Say if you had to skim over a painted wall... I mean this has little suction because its almost sealed already, would you use thistle bond it/WBA for the painted walls or 1 coat of say 2-1 (pva-water)

3:1ish for just about everything, low suction gets 1 coat, high suction gets 2 coats.
its ture , i put pva on a ceiling 3 days ago its still wet due to there being no heating in the house what do you do there no pva?!lol
Hello Mate
I was taught the following with mix ratios: priming coat 5-1 (5 parts water 1 part PVA) then bonding coat of 3-1 (3 parts PVA 1 part water) incidently this is what most PVA tubs state on the back. Prime wall with priming coat leave to dry then apply bonding coat and apply plaster when tacky, the way I was taught in knowing that the wall is primed correctly is to apply priming coat to wall and if you get to end of wall and the PVA has already dried at the point where you started then you need to imediately apply another coat until the whole wall is wet at the same time, always use a roller as you will get better coverage and just use a brush for corners
well when its in -3 for 3 days yea.. still wet ran a fan heater in the room all day and skimed it up last thing job done, do i need to take a photo or is this true bullshit
well when its in -3 for 3 days yea.. still wet ran a fan heater in the room all day and skimed it up last thing job done, do i need to take a photo or is this true bullshit

Yeah, i had this on my mates empty house not 3 days though, i was pvaing in the morning, and skimming next day, if i didn't pva anything, i wouldn'tbe able to do anything the next day......******* hate pva lately.....WBA all the way
this old chestnut of ratios, I do not know one plasterer who can honestly say its 3-1 4-1 or 5-1 alls i do is pour the pva in my tub add water until im happy with the consistencey and for those who say they put on a 5-1 then 3-1 make me laugh
this old chestnut of ratios, I do not know one plasterer who can honestly say its 3-1 4-1 or 5-1 alls i do is pour the pva in my tub add water until im happy with the consistencey and for those who say they put on a 5-1 then 3-1 make me laugh

exactly the same :)
It's not difficult you just need 15 litre tub for the priming coat of 5-1; empty half a tub of PVA into it and top up with water give it a good shake, sorted. 20 litre tub for your bonding coat 3-1 add 3 full tubs of PVA then top up with water, good shake, sorted
PVA is different depending who you get it off some is thicker some is weaker, its just knowing what flavour you need when you add the water, which does come with experience which i think was mentioned a LOT earlier:)
this old chestnut of ratios, I do not know one plasterer who can honestly say its 3-1 4-1 or 5-1 alls i do is pour the pva in my tub add water until im happy with the consistencey and for those who say they put on a 5-1 then 3-1 make me laugh

Yup... 5-1 4 -1 piss it in till I am happy

plastering is not always an exact science... you will know over time whats right.

WBA is good but if its below 5 it wont set... especially on LS background.

I still prefer to skim on dry PVA but I not starting that can of worms :-)

WBA is quality gear but the setting time is a pain, if you can get to the property night before then its ok but most of the time thats just not possible
iv always watered it down a bit and used fan heaters and can always get onto it after we've preped up, well thats how i do it.
that was the good part about the course- it was an intensive hands on course- i was never very good at schoool so plastering dont need a lot of grey matter
Well that's how i do it & it works for me essexboy.
That's how they do it on DIY SOS!!
im not saying ur wrong ahmed but i trained with a master plasterer and he said tommy walsh diy sos sara beeny all talk sh1te
Well they must be right because they are on the telly.
I always watch the plasterers on diy sos & they are proffesionals
so i listen to them for tips, especially chris he is the best!
well the boards must be different in ireland. i was told milky white side always on the outside

I wouldn't know I've never been to Ireland i might have to if work drys up here though.
So who makes the plasterboards in Ireland?
Don't you plaster the backs over there lol
I wouldn't know I've never been to Ireland i might have to if work drys up here though.
So who makes the plasterboards in Ireland?
Don't you plaster the backs over there lol

everyone says it quiet here but im only starting out and i got work coming in. i dont know who makes the boards but u can buy them in chadwicks or buckleys etc. if u buy a lot they deliver free. i keep getting messages on this but bont know how to reply guys
Thanks admedh. some of the comments are vergeing on being rude tho
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