plastering and light switches / plug sockets?????

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just wondered the correct way to do this is ....what do you guys do about plastering around these??? do you take them off or leave them on...... plastered around a masking taped light switch once cos thought it would be easier to use my trowel agqinst it..... it worked well till i decided to change the switch and all the plaster came off with it????? whats the best way to do it????? thanks in advance for the info ;D
unscrew the switch from the back box and cover it with a small plastic bag, then plaster behind the switch. Dont plaster round switches its a wee bit ruff
failing that take it off completely and use choc blocs to cover the live and neutral.. (if your cleer youll connect the live to the neutral and your lights on) and tape up with insulation tape
never plaster round switches and sockets its one of them things thats sets the chancers and the plasterers apart
take them off same as ceiling roses you wont learn to be a plasterer online go work for nothing with a plasterer for a few months invaluable i was lucky my granddad was a plasterer started when i was ten with him at weeekends set me for life
as a sparks, if its new stuff i tuck all the cables in to the bxes leaving nothing stickin out, if its old stuff the spreads i've dealt with don't mind if i just put a bag over it and tape it up.
jay sorry to be a bit vague but do you know what a purple wire also a black wire a bit thicker
aprrox 600 mm off the floor could be ........both wires are left really long ....cheers mate
how wrong you are sunshine!! normally if i don't do it, they get chopped anyway!!! i no some sparks that leave them about 4ft long!!!! which is ridiculous!
spunkybum said:
jay sorry to be a bit vague but do you know what a purple wire also a black wire a bit thicker
aprrox 600 mm off the floor could be ........both wires are left really long ....cheers mate
its a glory hole mate..
i would have thought you of all people would have known that one.. :o
;D ; with purple veins
it's in a bedsit opposite where the bed will be
probs be for a tv. has it got plugs on the end of it like computer cables? why? what have you done made it disappear?!!!
f**k**g right i have ;D we unraveled it and it stretched nearly 6 metres down the corridor plug on the end mate ......hope theyll wall mount it...........really low ::)
straight out of the wall mate ......there was 2 black ones and a purple one .....was the purple one an it wire?....does that have to be long aswell?
probs, if you look at end , if its an i t cable it'll be much smaller, with 8cores in it, very tiny. it'll porbs wn't to be long yes. have you cut it down then?!!
whats more annoying for a spark jay.......leaving the boxes dirty or cutting the wires back..........or both and do you charge daywork for cleaning out the boxes ?
ooh, thats a toughie. if u snip the cables proper short like 2 inches short that would be worse!!! normally if i'm working for a builder i'll make him do it, coz if theres any damage i ain't liable!!! thats what the bloke i sub out from wants me to do. but sumtimes i'll do it with a filling knife.
true do you mean damage around the outside edge of the box?........or you get youre builder friend to cut the wires and tuck them in?
i'll tuck the wires in when i put the box in, but i'll get him to clean the boxes so i can actually see the edgesof the box!! or i'll do it, normally when plaster is still slightly damp.
nowadays as everythings boarded it would help us all out if the boxes were left off and put in after its skimmed .........rant rant ;D
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