Plastering A Dying trade????

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New Member
Alright Everyone,
                     Several people now have said that unless you are going into business for yourself and working in the residential market there is no money to be made. all commercial and new residential are dry lined....... hope they are wrong :-? Any feedback will be appreciated!!!

Robert Lee Pearson ESQ.
Hello Leroy,
If you talk to anyone about anything in the world, there are always positives and negatives.
You can allow people to convince you that somrthing is brilliant, or talk you out of anything coz they reckon its rubbish, if you give them enough of a chance.
Its all just a story.
Did you know that there are people who actually believe the world is flat.
Theres even a Flat Earth Society.
Straight up.. Look it up on the internet.

So Leroy, my story is that anything is possible.
Plastering is a brilliant trade and there's work out there in every department. You just have to go after it and never give up or give into the story that 'there's something wrong'.
If you get knocked back, so what. It happens to everyone. The real trick is to not let it mean anything else, other than you got knocked back.
It does not mean you are crap or did anything wrong.

So dont worry my friend. Trust in your own ability, have a professional and responsible approach at all times, remember to ask for help when you get stuck and, most of all have fun.

A CSCS card is pretty much the only proper way to get on site now. But thats achievable and costs around 30 quid, plus a half hour health and safety test. Your college should be able to help you.

Here endeth the wise words of Obi Wan Kinobi!!

Sorry if I carped on a bit but other than being a plasterer and a master chef, I also love inspiring people, so please forgive me!

Cheers and may the force be with you.

I am stacked out with work, working all weekend and done a few evenings this week.

People say that everything is dying!!

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