Plasterers labourer in south east london available

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New Member
Hi there, im a 31 year old, about to do a city and guilds or i.c.a course in plastering. Will be finsihed end of march, and then looking to be a plasterers labourer, preferbley in the south east london area (greenwich is where i live).

If you or you know of somebody you could put me in touch with i would be very gratefull, otherwise i'll just throw in the trowle!!

Sean Hamilton
Re: Plasterers labourer in south east london avail

Hello Welcome to the forum,

Dont give up, london is a great place to be a spread.

go through the yellow pages and call every someone will need a hand.

I somethimes get long contracts in london and need a albourer but my contract at the min is in Milton Keynes

Re: Plasterers labourer in south east london avail

Thanks for the advice Danny, one other thing....this course im doing is with a center called able skills, i don't know where else to get the basics i need but they promise to get you level 2 i.c.a or city and guilds, is this center ok?? or could you reccomend one??.

I know the best way is to have an apprentice, but at 31 umm a little difficuilt!! so what do you think??

Thanks again

Re: Plasterers labourer in south east london avail

I dont really know much about AbleSkills, they seem like a reputable company....

Get the city and guilds and you will be laughing all the way to the bank

Re: Plasterers labourer in south east london avail

i'm sure the ica is the city & guilds when they mention level 2 there on about nvq, i would recomend taking on the aswell, nvqs once completed proves you have experiance. city & guilds says you are properly trained and qulifiyed the nvq on top of that says you also have work experiance. gary b will be more upto date as he instructs ;)
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