plasterboarding a conservatory

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Active Member
Hi there everyone, this is my first post so here we go!

I have done a plastering course and learnt a number of techniques, and can skim quite nicely now,Howvere i need to learn lots more still.

I have a brick conservatory and would like it smooth, i am thinking of doing this in a few ways:

- Dot and Dab boards on then skim over, its a single skin brick wall so should i use the foil back boards?or is there another type i should use?

- fix studs and noggins up and then put some insulation and then board

- Render and then plaster over that?

i would much appreciate your views on this
personally as your new to the trade i would use dot and dab then maybe insilated boards ,foil back is not suitable if you are using it for dot and dab.good luck
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