Plaster shelling off....

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s.p.t plastering

Active Member
I'm doing a job for a mate on a bit of a budget as it's his frist house, re skimming all the walls and ceilings....Now all the ceilings are lath and plaster with a few cracks on them, which i've been scriming and then pvaing and skimming next day (couldn't afford to overboard like i suggested) and they've all turned out lovely, apart from the cracks of come back in a few places, only faintly due to the banging about by windows fitters...

Is quite happy to live with it, is there another way to fix cracks if i tell him?..Apart from overboarding?

Also the frist ceiling i done as shelled off, he said there was fair size crack and when he touched it all came down, now that one i pvad and got on it to early when pva was a bit wet....Would that do it?....Can't think why else it done it....They are quite shiny once pvad, but the rest are sound.........I wanted to use gyp-bond to be on safe side, but i'm doing it on weekends as a favour.....Any ideas?
I always wait til my pva is dry before I skim!! Its what I was taught & I dont have too many problems!:RpS_thumbup:
use thistle bond it gybond what the f@@k its called now u wont get a problem .....old lath and plaster lime shite if it aint sealed well it will lift not much u can do with the cracks unless like m33 says screw into laths and scrim over board all ways better unless u want to breathe s**t bringing them down back to joist and start again
If all the ceilings like you say are lath and plaster then it's highly likely these ceilings are at least 45 year old upwards and more than likely still much older if there cracking.
Truth his in my opinion theve had there day.Putting more weight on them ( more plaster) wont help matters either.
They need overboarding with 12mm board and screwing to joists.Then skim.
I would walk away from any custmer that wouldnt listen to this advice or would not guarantee my work,not even with my 24 hr guarantee's lol.
TBH skimming over L&P aint a really good idea due to the movement in the background but I hear what your saying about a mate and being cheap. To try and stop the cracks coming back use paper tape instead of scrim.
your mate should simply do one room at a time when he can afford to do it properly, come on he cant be that skint, lets say the average ceiling is 15 m2 thats only £35.00 quids worth of boards and pennies for screws/nails he will spend more time and effort fannying on, and when he comes to sell the house he will have to sort it all out again anyway or lose a lot of dosh
your mate should simply do one room at a time when he can afford to do it properly, come on he cant be that skint, lets say the average ceiling is 15 m2 thats only £35.00 quids worth of boards and pennies for screws/nails he will spend more time and effort fannying on, and when he comes to sell the house he will have to sort it all out again anyway or lose a lot of dosh

Makes economicle sense in the long run to do it right in the fist place
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