plaster ripping on patch work?

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New Member
had a job today were i was skimming half a wall and flashing it in at the end.. i PVAed the wall , was a bit thick but still let it dry for about 15mins then started skimming it.. every time i tryed to put pressure on the end to flash it in it teared away and ripped up so bad i couldn't do the job so i scrapred it all off again and used bond it on the wall and have to go back again! some time when flashing into some walls it does this but not on others?
yea was a pinted walls a lil bit silky 2.. but thing is with bond it u have 2 wait 4 it and most patch work is usually done on the day!.. plus with bondit the grit gets in the way of smooth edges?
Bond it for feathering in ??
Just use watered down pva like a milky mix & let it dry.
How to feather it into painted wall, once plaster is applied use toe of trowel or to run down join to smooth off edge then leave it & concentrate on rest of area, when it's ready for trowelling run a wet brush up join & trowel out onto painted area & leave the join till final trowel.
The more you play with it the more chance it'll blister up or tear, especially if the pva is too thick & on silk.
Bond it's no good for patching you'll still need to go past the bond it to feather it in so you'll still need to pva edge!
thanks 4 the tips mate but I'm quite good at fading in usually, but i always fade in rather than patch the edges of the area.. i over go the area by at least 5"-8"
oasis said:
thanks 4 the tips mate but I'm quite good at fading in usually, but i always fade in rather than patch the edges of the area.. i over go the area by at least 5"-8"

Yeah that's what i meant mate go over area.
It's defo the thick pva though mate ;)
oasis said:
thanks 4 the tips mate but I'm quite good at fading in usually, but i always fade in rather than patch the edges of the area.. i over go the area by at least 5"-8"

Sounds to me oasis that your rushing or trying to take short cuts ie thicker pva you will learn in time to do the job proper and it will save you going back. Im not having a dig but a lot of your last posts you are putting work right coz your trying to do too much, setting yourself deadlines and its all catching up so your rushing, only my observations so dont take it personally. :)
nelly said:

Exactly, the forum is being over run with 12 year olds the banter is getting childish and i am sick to death of every post turning into a link to youtube, maybe im just getting grumpy in my old age.
flynnyman said:
nelly said:

Exactly, the forum is being over run with 12 year olds the banter is getting childish and i am sick to death of every post turning into a link to youtube, maybe im just getting grumpy in my old age.

Grump is good, if it was an olmypic event I would be the Usain Bolt at it
flynnyman said:
oasis said:
thanks 4 the tips mate but I'm quite good at fading in usually, but i always fade in rather than patch the edges of the area.. i over go the area by at least 5"-8"

Sounds to me oasis that your rushing or trying to take short cuts ie thicker pva you will learn in time to do the job proper and it will save you going back. Im not having a dig but a lot of your last posts you are putting work right coz your trying to do too much, setting yourself deadlines and its all catching up so your rushing, only my observations so dont take it personally. :)

sound advice but in my defence my studpid Lab put the pva on quite thic as it was over snad and cement patch he said he would seal it up reali well!
I can drink loads of beer, my avatar says im oliver reed, i know i act like a 12 year old and most of my posts are links to youtube but ive made loads of friends whilst ive posted on here and im really funny when i get drunk

yeh your hilarious
flynnyman said:
I can drink loads of beer, my avatar says im oliver reed, i know i act like a 12 year old and most of my posts are links to youtube but ive made loads of friends whilst ive posted on here and im really funny when i get drunk

yeh your hilarious

:D :D

Thanks, you are also hilarious friend :-*

Oh by the way what are you doing on the Internet talking to 12yr olds?

Peado? ???

(Another one who can give it but can't take it ??? :-\)
Nisus said:
flynnyman said:
I can drink loads of beer, my avatar says im oliver reed, i know i act like a 12 year old and most of my posts are links to youtube but ive made loads of friends whilst ive posted on here and im really funny when i get drunk

yeh your hilarious

:D :D

Thanks, you are also hilarious friend :-*
Yeh your right i am boring but i just love youtube and coz ive not got a job im up all night watching it, fair enough you are a lot funnier than me and i like to make out im a big drinker but to be honest im not. I do apologise and i will go easy on the youtube vids coz it is a bit boring but it gets my post count up and makes me look like ive given loads of advise on plastering so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont tell anyone xxxxxx

ok fair enough your not very funny i agree but go easy on the youtube links your post count is quite high so give it a rest :)
Ok you got me i don't drink, infact I'm a teetotaler.
I'm not even a plasterer.
And your rite I don't have a job that's why I'm up all night watching YouTube.
Yes you are funnier than me.
And i won't post anymore YouTube links on here even though i don't post that many?
I am sorry....... :'( :'(
Nisus said:
Ok you got me i don't drink, infact I'm a teetotaler.
I'm not even a plasterer.
And your rite I don't have a job that's why I'm up all night watching YouTube.
Yes you are funnier than me.
And i won't post anymore YouTube links on here even though i don't post that many?
I am sorry....... :'( :'(

lol you do post a lot of links to youtube :)
;D ;D

Didn't know I was being monitered ;)

I don't post that I?

I think there are others who post more on here, have a look around
I'm not saying who though but there's one on here who must be posting at least 5 vids a day :o

Anyway we can post what we want on here ok!
If you don't like it....., well don't look at it! :-\

I can't be arsed arguing with a boring dead beat old fart like you anyway flynny,
people come on here for a laugh not to listen to boring comments off you!

A few people have pm'd me last night saying what's flynny's problem??

I don't know flynny i think you've got mental health problems, go & get checked out at the doctors!!

Have a nice day :-*
Nisus said:
;D ;D

Didn't know I was being monitered ;)

I don't post that I?

I think there are others who post more on here, have a look around
I'm not saying who though but there's one on here who must be posting at least 5 vids a day :o

Anyway we can post what we want on here ok!
If you don't like it....., well don't look at it! :-\

I can't be arsed arguing with a boring dead beat old fart like you anyway flynny,
people come on here for a laugh not to listen to boring comments off you!

A few people have pm'd me last night saying what's flynny's problem??

I don't know flynny i think you've got mental health problems, go & get checked out at the doctors!!

Have a nice day :-*

come here little fishy lol and i can guess who pm,d you without doubt, i dont bother lookin at your links to youtube and your not the only one i never said you were i said im sick of every thread turning into a link to youtube :) you can post what you want like i can aswell, dont take it personnal, maybe you should ask danny to open up another section so you and your mates can post as many links to youtube as you like and to be honest the mods should of sorted this thread coz it was answered by me on the second post but has gone off the rails as usuall but to be honest with not as many youtube links :)

Nisus give your head a shake and stop taking it personnal :-*
i have to agree with flynny (for once!) most posts seem to end up having a completely irrelevant youtube link in it. the jukebox section is understandable. and the machine section. but not all the time boys! i admit i post a bit off youtube but mainly in the sections where people arent relying on answers to help with their jobs.
FlashingBlade said:
Flynnymans not a popular boy is he? Not many like him on here do they.
He sounds a bit jealous to me maybe because he's got no friends :-\

I used to think you were sound flynnyman but to be honest pal you sound like a complete a.hole just lately!

Sorry bud just my opinion :)

Well i am sorry to hear that my friend i thought i was havin a bit of banter but maybe it upsets people?

I didnt realise i was being an ashole just lately i thought i was like that always ;)
The thing is i maybe comment when others think "na im not saying anything coz that wont make me popular" or "i will wait till someone else says something before i will". Ive looked through my last few posts and cant see where i am going wrong but maybe thats my problem?
I think i give good and honest advice but maybe coz i dont answer all the simple stuff ie why is my skimming setting too quick? my posts that i do are up there for critisism?
Some posts on here are very basic and have been answered a lot of times so sometimes the answer to these questions is usually sarcastic and i dont mean just from meso maybe thats what makes me look bad?
I wouldnt go as far as to say not many like me on here well atleast i hope not :) Ive posted on here for a while and to be honest i dont think there is one person on here i dont like ive maybe had a few disagreements in the past but thats coz they dont really understand my loving nature :) so on that note PLEASE like me xxxxxx
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