Plaster Mix Going off too quickly

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New Member
Hi guys,

I am still learning the trade, have done a couple of jobs which I am pleased with. I am having a problem with my mix going off to quickly at the minute. >:( its a pain in the arse.

I am not the fastest plasterer in the world but I am getting better.

Can anyone suggest anything that will help
If you mean the mix in the bucket is going off then that's all about speedy application which will come in time. If you mean it's goin off too quickly on the wall then make sure you're using enough pva for the background your plastering.

It's all about practice really. Try not to play around with it on the wall, especially the first coat. Just get it on, flatten off and knock the next coat up. Or if you've got a labourer like mine, flatten off and throw something at him to make him put down the newspaper and get another mix on  ;D
One other tip is to make sure the plaster is not too old and has not been left in damp conditions. An open half bag of plaster thats been in your van for a week will have absorbed moisture and this will accelerate its set time.
yeah u normaly find little hard bits when its on the turn! one little hard bit and its only any good for patchin. always worth keepin a bag of that in ya van tho in case you gotta do a fast skim job throw a bit of old stuff in with new stuff and it will contaminate it brilliantly.. it;ll be ready for trowelin in minutes.
i do find electric mixers make it go off a hell of a lot quicker tho than hand-mixing!! as mentioned i must be over-mixing it as well....
i do find electric mixers make it go off a hell of a lot quicker tho than hand-mixing!! as mentioned i must be over-mixing it as well....
I always see instructions that say to use a power mixer. Does hand mixing work, especially for small batches?
it won't make any difference mate just keep practicing and one day mate you might be a plasterer ;)
if working out of a bucket ,i tend to try and mix my plaster a bit wetter than normal,because it heats up whist sitting in the bucket ,hence why it goes off quicker
also mix enough for first coats,then mix a new smaller second coat,should not have any troubles then
if working out of a bucket ,i tend to try and mix my plaster a bit wetter than normal,because it heats up whist sitting in the bucket ,hence why it goes off quicker
So if you empty your bucket onto a worktable board and work off that, you will get more working time?
if working out of a bucket ,i tend to try and mix my plaster a bit wetter than normal,because it heats up whist sitting in the bucket ,hence why it goes off quicker
So if you empty your bucket onto a worktable board and work off that, you will get more working time?    

i do work off a board,just some small rooms where i cant put it up i just take it st8 from the bucket
im sure the guy asking said he was working out of a bucket ,thats why i replied what i did :)
By the way, for a board to work off of, is some plain plywood good?

Do you use regular smooth plywood or do you need the kind that's finished on one side with birch or oak etc?

Do you have to do anything to the board before using it--paint or varnish it or anything so it doesn't suck the moisture out of the plaster?

Perhaps start a new board off by spreading a bit of plaster on it, scrape it off and let it dry? Do that several times before the board is ready?

OK, those are all my guesses. Sorry for the ultra-basic questions. I haven't gotten my copy of the Mastering Plaster DVD and Manual yet.
just get a normal piece of regular msooth ply about 12 or 15mm thick or thicker if you fancy carrying it about up and down stairs. no need to prep the board, just give it a good wetting down with a wet brush so the plaster wont bond with it too much, then when your done jsut give it a scrape and a clean with a brush and you'll be fine 8-)
the main cause for the plaster going off quick on the wall is your not putting enough on if you put on a piss thin first coat it will go off really quick, put a good coat on and you will notice the diffirence and you will also find you can put more metreage on too
How long does your mix take to go off ?? if mixed correctly as discussed earlier with clean bucket stick mixer and board it should be lasting around 20-30 mins this time of year off a mortar board,this is enough time to get a couple of walls on.

Try not to play with the mix just bang it on especially first coats.Once first coated quick ( i mean quick ) wash of corners and straight on with second coat,try to flaten out a little better as applying this coat.

Dump remainder of mix ( saving a little onyl ) for pot holes, wash tools.

Now you should be able to flaten /straighten up the wall.

once wall is straight get another mix on the go slap 2 coats on whilst you are waiting for previous to go off enough to polish up. This should take 20 -30 mins
you can use either a handful of slaked lime in with 1st coat or cream of tartar....BUT.........both make mix weaker..the trick is to get smooth and seal background properly , this will buy time....speed will come in time if u lay on smooth then this will speed up process, as theres less flatening...get that 1st coat on quick sharpish, a well set out room is also very important , with clean water standing by ready for second
ive also found u can do 3 mixes in summer....but only 2 large ones in winter...20 /30 mins in a damp cold atmosphere like now sometimes universal onecoat even froze on me board this week......not a good look
top secret .... cream of tarter ( yes the baking powder for scones bought in ur local asdas ) for every bag of plaster u mix ad half a cap full . belive me it will hang on for ages . been using in for years with no side affects to the final setting coat
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