Plaster dragging

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New Member

I'm a forum virgin so go easy!!!

Just a quick question, i am fairly knew to plastering after a pretty big career change. I have been getting on pretty well but yesterday and today when i put my first coat on when i started flattening it the plaster started dragging leaving the wall exposed, i managed to fix it with the second coat but was just wondering what causes the plaster to drag????

Any replies would be good


hello mate don't be afraid to ask questions we're all pissheads with too much time on our hands :D what was the background mate and did you use gypbond/p.v.a ??
Just your bog standard pva, i know it says on the side of it to dilute 6:1 for first coat blah blah blah but i just dilute it til it looks right,

it was covering artex, do you think this has anything to do with it??
It happened once before and i put it down to the pva, but it was tacky when i applied the first coat.

I also had great difficulty going round light switches and the like, when someone is teaching you why is it on a freshly sheeted wall and not with radiators, alarm boxes, light switches and the rest!!!!
pva was probably wet on area were it was draging, has happened to me a few time, to impatient. if you get draging on secondcoat does that mean i put second coat on to early?
was the plaster actually been dragged off with youre trowel as if it's sloshing around cause the background could still be wet or is there any chance you could have got it on a bit tight and when troweling up you were hitting high spots on the artex
Right everytime i have looked at a posting and see the phrase "puting on a tight coat" i have always wondered what was meant???

The plaster was dragging with the trowel but not just on high spots, i'm ripping my hair out(and not got much to play with by the way) so far we have ruled out high spots, pva not being tacky, and coat being too tight........whatever that means!!!
was it only patchs were it was dragging or all over, the only other thing you could do is use wba it shouldnt drag then :o
It was just two little patches that it dragged on, just confused as to why its happening. Maybe i'm not mixing up right ie. too much or not enough??

maybe it's one of life's unanswerable questions like how do you know when you've ran out of invisible ink or why do round pizza's come in square boxes!!!
i'd put money on getting on it too early and pva still too wet when you put the plaster on
you want the first coat too pick up much as poss it'll help troweling up like any wall but especially even on a slight stippled artex the first coat needs to shrink a little to allow for the stipples if you get on it too early the second coat will pull in with the first coat and it'll all look dimpled
when you checked 2 see if ceiling was tacky, the part you checked could have be tacky and a few other places not tacky enough, which would make the plaster drag. its happened to me before, wait a bit longer before flatterning
Cheers guys,will put it into practice tomorrow.

I see what you mean now about the first coat taking in before putting on the second. hopefuly won't happen again.
pva drying patchy, on it to early...has to be..if it happens again, quickly clean yer trowel and go over it with real firm pressure, trowel as flat as you can get it then leave it for a bit..
Pizzas come in square boxes because round ones are harder to make ;D And i agree with the lads it sounds like a tacky pva situation. When you say dragging off do you mean it sort of slides? And the artex is it painted in silk?
pizza hut make square pizzas tho... :D
then they put em on round plates???
pva would take alot longer to dry on silk than matt, also on silk if pva isnt dry its probably gona drag because of the nature of the surface, i didnt think of that one bod
just a thought...i did a smallish kitchen the other day, silk paint on ceiling...pva'd the walls but left the ceiling...went off perfect, i just thought 'why seal it when its already sealed', used multi and it sucked ok, just not too quick...did i balls up? first time i done that in yonks..
ive never used wba or bondit to this day and ive overskimmed a lot of artex ceilings...only ever had 2 problems i can think of but neither were related to the surface prep...well, perhaps the one where the entire ceiling came down in 1 big sheet but i put that down to 'distemper' or dusty old paint, whichever...would wba cure that problem?
wickes bonding agent goes off after 3 hours, pink in colour, £ 11 for small tub about 2.5 litres its made by knauf your better of using bond it get more in tub,
artex is easily softend by moisture thats why ive been told to use wba on artex, because moisture doesnt get through it, when you put something wet on pva the pva will become soluble, bod told me that or i might be talking shi-t, it makes sense to me
also if the whole ceiling fell down i dont think that wba would of saved it, plus i know people who use bond it on everything walls ceilings, must cost the customer a few quid, think hes a bit parainod
wasnt the boards or laths that came down,just managed to top it and it started to bubble round the light, next think i knew it was hanging from the edges like an elastic sheet made of multi finish!! used to have a photo of my mate stood on a pair of steps with his head through the hole....
i came across a lath ceiling the other day i boarded straight over the top. i do remember the plaster was coming away from that ceiling i think it might of been lime underneath it was light in colour, whiteish.
also came across another lath & plaster ceiling that had been boarded over and there were crackes all over the ceiling, it outlined the edges of the plasterboard, old building are conatantly moving due to tempreture. maybe that has some thing to do with it
Wet PVA sounds most likely but the fact is the first coat wsn't grabbing hold of the wall so there was no key.
Have a go with wickes bonding agent mate. Let it dry and problem over.
It happened once before and i put it down to the pva, but it was tacky when i applied the first coat.

I also had great difficulty going round light switches and the like, when someone is teaching you why is it on a freshly sheeted wall and not with radiators, alarm boxes, light switches and the rest!!!!
the problem is when your new to plastering 1 ov the mistakes you make is you cant leave the plaster alone wat you learn with experience is with lightswitches dont try to get it perfect around them when its still wet wait til it starts to go abit then tidy it up it makes your life a whole lot easier n dont pull them off the wall completely just undo the screws a bit n pull it forward a little n nipp your trowel in people think plaster should look perfect when its just been put onto the wall giving it a little time to pull in then troweling it gives you a better finish than going over n over it wen its still wet ;)
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