PFT G5 Render Machine, with Generator

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i'm always tempted by machines ...been thrown off 4 sites now after being caught sticking my cock in the outlet on the pressure plate :o)
Im buying one soon pal. depending on money like, as soon as i can.
Every job I do lately is either a ball ache cos of the scaff or manning up to keep the gear moving. Got a subbie there with a G5 but hard to tie him down, need one in shop really.

I am in the research period at the mo.
good luck mate i was interested dont knowe why i dont do many outsides etc ...........i know the pain you feel this one that one more power etc lol ........ it would be interesting to see how the ritmoL will perform ive seen a g4 and ritmo in action the ritmos nice and compact and a piece of pee to move around but then you hear stories of it being a bit gutless and youre restricted by how far it will pump
i dont think the ritmo is that gutless. it sprays everything the other machines do. just a bit slower. the job im on at the moment is the first time iv ever had a prob with the pumping distance. its outside, about 120m long, but only 750mm high. so i can only do 15m each way so 30 in total each spray as moving the machine bit spray is too much hassle. other than that never had to spray further than 15m
what are you spraying nick? only going by what ive been told mate ive barely used one do you use them alot at 15m?
spraying cpi. iv only got 15m hoses. what sort of work do you do rich? site? in or outside? i do a lot of inside, and domestic outsides most of the time. this one at the mo is a church so bit bigger than the norm for me
are you lot religious do you think you could do some acid and summon the devil in a church at midnight?
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