per metre

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in the last month ive had 3.50 3 and 2.65 .....not in that order
wasnt too bad it was corridors so could bang the meterage on as soon as he wanted us in the flats we left he wanted to take windows and doors out an wasnt paying any lin
as there is f**k all about cos all these POLISH misfits taking all our graft i thought £3 metre was not bad . At least the c**t pays the morgage eh , and the horse and the cars and what ever the wife or bairn or dogs need . . A i get is f**k**g pocket money
cream it while u can

an old fella once told me wen theres loads of money on a job take as much as u can, wen moneys tight on a job take it all
micky jones said:
Now then lads , i`m back . How much do you lads get on site per metre .
am getting 2.20 at the mo was getting that 15 year ago,take any thing you can cos there's not much about
was offered 1.65 today having to do a hundred mile round trip on top just to sweeten the deal lowest ive ever had was 1.75 walls and 2.25 ceilings that was 16 years ago in cyprus
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