patching  tyrolean

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New Member
ive just skimmed a house , now the customer wants me to sort out the exterior ...the house has been covered with tyrolean and there have been some attempts to do repairs around new windows and waste pipes etc but they look absolutely s**t !.. one patch has been done with a stipple brush !! .. he wants me to sort it out .. any ideas ... many thanks
a firm back hander to the property owners face would be a natural reaction but unfortunately i lack experience myself so cant advice, good luck with it tho :)
Re: patching  tyrolean

I'm not an outside man myself but...
Sounds like you need to take it off and start again.
Re: patching  tyrolean

Never been a great fan but its not impossible to match, like most spray on coatings the preparation is so important you have to mask everything up to avoid a build up on whats there already there .
Re: patching  tyrolean

method ive often used is knock up some 4:1 s/c, get a stiff brush (dustpan style, or a double ended scrubber)...get a handful of muck and rake it back over the brush, it'll flick it on the wall, keep it fine and build it a treat, then just paint it after, or better still let the customer paint it cos its a pain in the arse...
no good for anything bigger than a foot square though...youll be there all day....
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