parts missing

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Well-Known Member
not my parts there ok i found all them earlier but i keep getting almost all of the forum missing appart from which ever section ive just come out of, even if i refresh the page it take 2 or 3 refreshes before it all comes back again:RpS_confused:. @Danny anything to do with the upgrades??
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yeah but i found then in a box under the stairs earlier today, im allowed to have them back from time to time depends if she wants to use them or not
still having to reload pages 2 or 3 times to see the whole site starting to get on my moobs
Lol Danny's mashed the forum up where's all my likes gone ffs took me years to build them all up ffs :RpS_crying:
All that hard work I put in over the years to receive those thanks & likes now all just gone like that, at the click of a button :-0 :RpS_mad:
It's like starting from scratch :RpS_thumbdn:
I am trying to import the old thanks / likes but I cocked up a little :-)

Not sure how you mean parts missing though.. @jrplastering what browser are you using? Maybe I can try and replicate it :-)
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@Danny im using google chrome everything works fine when i come onto a thread but when i try to go back to the main board to change sections the only thing thats available for me to go into it the section that ive just come out of, then i have to refresh the screen 2 or 3 times before it all comes back up again
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Hmmm I use chrome as my browser of choice...

Have you tried clearing your cache?

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and i launderd my money the other day dan cos my old google chrome facked up so i cleared it to see if it fixed it and put norton on
These are my chrome settings.....

See if you can compare them to yours... I have know idea why this would be happening.... I still can't get it to do that for me... even on a slow 3g phone signal :-(
parts missing this is what happens when i come out of the general plastring section i just get a selection of the general plastering sub forums where as before it would take me back to the home screen and however far down the home screen i was so if i had just come out of the private section it would come out of private to the home screen the automatically down to the private section title so i could carry on down the page.
now if i came out of the private the only options that would come up would be the private section again until ive pressed the home button then it returns me back to the top of the page rather than back to where i was. @Danny
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parts missing again all the options i was given after posting the above comment and trying to go back to home screen
right I still not sure what you mean...

So if you are in this section then you go back to the home page it doesnt take you there?

Its not a browser problem... I am not even sure its a bug...
right at the moment i am reading this thread, at the top of the screen is the 4 options, forum, news and announcments, forum bugs and errors, parts missing (all the sub sections ive clicked on) if i wanted to go back so see if there was more threads to read i would click on forum bugs and errors and if i wanted to go back to the home screen i would press news and announcments it would take me back to the homescreen and then back to where ever in the home page the section comes up at, BUT since the upgrade if i press news and announcements it take me back to a page with just the sub forums that fall into the same section as news and announcments. @Danny
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Ok I think I know what you mean....

if you click this....

It would just drop you down the page but now it takes you too this....

Instead of just shunting down the page to the top of that forum... is that correct?
yeah thats it and it will take the "lime section " to the top of the home screen and no other sections will show up and this has only been happening since the upgrades happened @Danny
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Yep I see....

I thought earlier you meant the screen wasnt

I will have a look and see... the chances are that was done to aid search rankings... as before we were just using a "hook" which wouldnt help... I will go and speak to the developer and see if there is a reason for it :-) The updates we did was to bring the forum up to scratch with the latest software etc etc so I am sure there will be a reason or a way round it :-)...

On a side note I got the like buttons looking a whole lot better :-)
haha cheers dan im still getting used to the new buttons and the likes coming up outside of the txt box
haha yeah me too :-)

I am kicking myself I cocked up the like/thanks merge from the old system but we were battling to stop losing the forum :RpS_scared: so it was a small price to pay :-)

I should hear from the tech guys by tomorrow either which way if the way it wa before is achievable or not...
Also you can click on the "breadcrumbs" to get you back to the sections.... highlighted below by arrows... you may already know that though :D
so thats what there called ok its when i click on the "breadcrumbs" that the fault happens it just takes me back to the sub forum and shows me nothing else but the sub forums for what ever section i was just in. @beddy............go f u ck yourself.........................that is all
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@jrplastering I had a reply from the tech guy and unfortunately it won't be coming back :-(

This feature was deliberately excluded because it caused issues with default vBulletin features

I knew there would be a valid reason why :-)
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