Parex fine finish

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They do a few has anyone used the finish that is closest to rubbed up sand/cement and how perfect does the base have to be
its a fine texture, you can get 1mm from most people its just they usually push 1.5mm out. your basecoat has to be mint, but then I wouldv thought when using 1.5 you would normally leave it mint?? you can get some finish that has no aggeragate in at all that goes on in two coats almost like joint cement to apply and left tidy off the trowel with no floating involved but i dont recall ever seeing parex doing this one

there aint much in what you can get away with between the 1mm fine and the 1.5mm but fine grade textures need smooth flat backings otherwise you will get show through - often they look ace on comletion but after a years weather the sh1te attracts to all the rough bits and it will stick out like a sore thumb.
if you have used any acrylic texture before then you will be FINE :D
Can you slurry coat over maite, the backing is pretyy good and i would slap a 2mm texture over it no problem. However i did not prep this job and will need to make sure everything is tip top before i apply finish. Also do you need to use a primer. the base coat is white and so is the finish.
Slurry over maite? I never heard of that pal maite is a very good basecoat equal to sm700, you would finish your maite neat and texture over that.

I always use primer myself but some coloured basecoats dont always need it but i beleive it helps to prime always
what stage is the jiob at pal? ie has it got render on that is old or new or what and if so what basecoat is it?
Its a new build that was aqua panel, its been meshed and TBH its not too bad but there are a few trowel marks etc. The finish will need to be as good as finished stuco in my opinion because the dpr fine finish wont hide much.
sprayit said:
Its a new build that was aqua panel, its been meshed and TBH its not too bad but there are a few trowel marks etc. The finish will need to be as good as finished stuco in my opinion because the dpr fine finish wont hide much.

It will prob be maite thats on there then over the aquapanel, always try to get the trowel marks out but if there is some already done then use a waffle to get them out.
it is maite, can you lay this on thin over hardened maite base to feather out discrencies. Simplybesty did the base coat so its all shapes
hmm smoothing thincoat basecoat. you can't blend that stuff. Have to reskim as it were the whole area to avoid marks and lines.
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