Papertape or scrim

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Over the last few years ive noticed that the selfadhesive scrim has been failing on the joints on plasterboard.It didnt matter if the board was dabbed,screwed or mushroom fixed .this caused me great concern so i started to use papertape instead or scrim and have had no problem with joints or scrim failing. Anyone else have a similar experience with scrim.? By failing joints ,I mean cracks on the joints of the boards,either wall or ceiling.
Over the last few years ive noticed that the selfadhesive scrim has been failing on the joints on plasterboard.It didnt matter if the board was dabbed,screwed or mushroom fixed .this caused me great concern so i started to use papertape instead or scrim and have had no problem with joints or scrim failing. Anyone else have a similar experience with scrim.? By failing joints ,I mean cracks on the joints of the boards,either wall or ceiling.

Try sticky side in ;)
Over the last few years ive noticed that the selfadhesive scrim has been failing on the joints on plasterboard.It didnt matter if the board was dabbed,screwed or mushroom fixed .this caused me great concern so i started to use papertape instead or scrim and have had no problem with joints or scrim failing. Anyone else have a similar experience with scrim.? By failing joints ,I mean cracks on the joints of the boards,either wall or ceiling.

Ive had the same problem with sticky scrim in the past but it was done to movement in the joist everytime. We worked on a site for several years and plastered over 100 houses and the scrim always failed at the same areas in each house and we started using the old dute scrim and then used the paper tape variety with no success, but everywere else was fine so it is sometimes down to the movement of the timbers.
irish_spread said:
Over the last few years ive noticed that the selfadhesive scrim has been failing on the joints on plasterboard.It didnt matter if the board was dabbed,screwed or mushroom fixed .this caused me great concern so i started to use papertape instead or scrim and have had no problem with joints or scrim failing. Anyone else have a similar experience with scrim.? By failing joints ,I mean cracks on the joints of the boards,either wall or ceiling.

Try sticky side in ;)
Theres always one ::) ::)
yeah like dupe scrim. and like how they used to leave a nails width between boards on a ceiling. so the plaster surrounded the scim and hooked on the back of the board
Bruce Willis said:
merlin said:
scrim should be sandwiched in the plaster thats why it cracks and paper tape doesnt,
So your sayin stick it on with plaster then plaster over it
yeah fibretapes convenient but a waste of time imo, also on new builds nothings left to settle, blockwork should be left for the mortar to cure before plastering, i think its the fasttrack way we build which contributes to alot of faults in buildings now!
P/boar should still have a gap between of between 3 & 5mm to allow the plaster through and help to reinforce the joint. Papertape is stronger than any other type of hessian, cotton or fibretape and will stand a lot more movement before the crack shows through on the surface. BG still rec papertape as the best product to use if that helps.
All of them are only to reinforce the joints and will only help to stop cracks from appearing, they will not stop it all together if the background movement is too much or the boards are incorrectly fixed.
The Apprentice said:
P/boar should still have a gap between of between 3 & 5mm to allow the plaster through and help to reinforce the joint. Papertape is stronger than any other type of hessian, cotton or fibretape and will stand a lot more movement before the crack shows through on the surface. BG still rec papertape as the best product to use if that helps.
All of them are only to reinforce the joints and will only help to stop cracks from appearing, they will not stop it all together if the background movement is too much or the boards are incorrectly fixed.
Ive heard that one mate, but does it happen, does it f**k, thats coz its all bish bash bosh.
At the end of the day you will always get probs as has been said its all fast track, but paper seems to work better but i just ask the builder what he wants its down to him them.
Nisus said:
irish_spread said:
Nisus said:
irish_spread said:
its not rocket science lads, paint the ceiling the ceiling the same colour as the cracks ;)

Genius 8)

;D ;D

soon ill have more rep points than kirk. i been banned from givin points but im in
spunky world now ;D ;)

ive been discovered ;D

steve, i could do with 40+ rep points for this ;)

There you go you've just been rep'd up ;)
I've seen that paper tape come away from artex ceilings in kitchens and bathrooms...and show through on many others...apparently comes lose because of humidity...don't see what the problem with scrim is...if u've used it and it cracks then something else must have been done wrong or something thats out of your control...wouldn't worry.
Yea but you look like a c**t when you get called back trying to explain this ,they think your passing the book ,prevention is better than cure ,if the paper tape is wet before applying it wont come away providing there is enough stuff behind it.Dont believe in that shaggy song "It wasnt me" ;)
;D ;D You know the crack,oops excuse the pun ;D

Yep plenty of crack in that vid ;D

I used some paper tape about 15yrs ago doing a bit of artexing I'm sure we soaked it in water for 10mins
But not everyone soaks it so that's why I reckon loads of it fails on old artex ceilings as FreeD says.
right about the cracks :P and about the papertape ;) Dont use it all the time ,its just if I have a large ceiling or something doesnt look right eg boards not staggered or long joints ,saves hassle later
Nisus said:
I used some paper tape about 15yrs ago doing a bit of artexing I'm sure we soaked it in water for 10mins
But not everyone soaks it so that's why I reckon loads of it fails on old artex ceilings as FreeD says.

yup, you always had to soak it, i think there's some you don't have to soak on the market now though.
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