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New Member
Just priced £140 to patch 2 small bist about 3 sq all in , both bk 2 brick so sand and cemnt then pop bk and skim over. Told me it was more than he was expecting?
oasis said:
Just priced £140 to patch 2 small bist about 3 sq all in , both bk 2 brick so sand and cemnt then pop bk and skim over. Told me it was more than he was expecting?

it always is. couple of bags of sand. cement, plasterciser and finish, theres 15/20 quid gone already. its not your fault you cant skim it the same day
Ah yah see its a window wall and then the other one was a bit wet so no no on the bonding but is 140 2 much 4 2 short stops?
oasis said:
Ah yah see its a window wall and then the other one was a bit wet so no no on the bonding but is 140 2 much 4 2 short stops?

no, its twice the diesel aswell, dont forget.
oasis said:
Ah yah see its a window wall and then the other one was a bit wet so no no on the bonding but is 140 2 much 4 2 short stops?

Bloody hell some of us work all week for £140
Sounds ok mate ;)
Tell 'em your tax bill and van insurance is always more then you expected!

Then tell them to go f*ck themselves <----- charge them tenner for that too :)
lol ok maybe it me! its an easy job i could do it for £80 easy but... feck it £140 sound ok still..
oasis that aint dear, Id have charged £300 minimum labour only for that, two days wasted, aint going to work for nothing to do someone a favour, as steve said, his problem it takes two days!

However I would have made sure wall had drived out and hardwall/bonding it up then skimmed, still would charge £250 all in.

They only say they expect it for less because you earn more money than them, f**k em, if they dont wanna pay it don't do it, hopefully they get some cowboy in that fucks it up!
two days work, end of, sounds dear but If I could make 400quid for two days work plastering someone elses living room why would I charge 140 do do 3metres of patch work round some other geezers gaff!

bond and skim, 200 labour + 25quid materials and 10 quid to get rid of rubbish, £235 sorted :D
well sometimes the small jobs make the money cram 10+ ina week ur loling all the way to the bank!
Dont panic about prices mate....

I use to charge through the roof and still was busy and always had a great reputation :)

You get what you pay for... I have walked away from many jobs because they thought I was expensive...lol The best line is "if you cant afford me....." ...lol

oasis said:
well sometimes the small jobs make the money cram 10+ ina week ur loling all the way to the bank!

your right mate, but only if you had 10 to do and could go back and forth between them, but not just a one off, you need to charge appropriately!

Dannys right! end of the day theres geezers out there charge well in excess of 300 a day for plastering ( a number of times customers have mentioned the price of other plasterers they have used)

providing you are still getting the work, charge what you like! we're in it to make as much money as possible, and if people are willing to pay it then you obviously arent ripping them off.
steve cov said:
oasis said:
Just priced £140 to patch 2 small bist about 3 sq all in , both bk 2 brick so sand and cemnt then pop bk and skim over. Told me it was more than he was expecting?

it always is. couple of bags of sand. cement, plasterciser and finish, theres 15/20 quid gone already. its not your fault you cant skim it the same day
One minute every ones sayin I wish plsterers wouldnt charge so little coz it drives prices down and the next...........
Oasis good on yer and stick to them prices, thats how we'll all be rakin it in. ;)
Charge what you want mate if they don like it tell them toF

Charge what you like mate if they dont like it tell them to F*** O **
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