135 posts on a plastering forum and you dont know how to find joists in a ceiling you need to overboard ????????????? WTF
My lab learnt how to do that in the first 15 minutes of work,and can be trusted to do it on his own in any house within 1 weeks work.
The advice above is the best method although this only works if you use a Estwing hammer,wont work with another cheaper inferior hammer becuse they wont magneticaly home into the wooden joists but im sure you already know this!!
Yes mate i am smart.
Thats why if you look through all my 1300 + posts you will notice i very very rarely ask for help or advice becuse ive been ther got the T shirt.
And when i was learning my trade i didnt have a forum to go onto and learn how to do it !!!!!!!!!
Common sense and hard work is how i got on in life.
If you cant find ceiling joists and been to college with 3 years labouring experience behind you ,there is no hope for you.Jusat my opinion.
to be fair spark, on some topics you act like a know it all and then you go and ask a very basic question. kind of contradicting yourself. not a dig, just an observation
same assometimes the hammer method can be too dirty i put a drill bit in my cordless and push hard on ceiling if it goes thru quick and easy you aint found it yet wen you do do a few on either side so you can mark center and as stated do at at both sides of room and DO chalk line as its so much easier.
i also mix a little slurry of d+d just to add a little on the board just in case you do miss the hidden joist or it runs out
dont get me wrong mate.im honestly not trying t put you or anyone else down.
But to me its abc stuff,finding joist in a standard ceiling is not rocket science and can be achived by anyone with no prior knowledge and a little common sense.
If you learnt on the job by a guy that only overskimmed ceilings for 3 years you obviousdly learnt the trade by the wrong guy becuse i overboard +10 to everyone i only skim and so do all the good spreads on here.
This is best practise,becuse if a ceiling is cracked and knacekerd or been covered with artex theres a reason behind that and adding more weight to an already f u ck ed ceiling is not the right answer,hence overboard it with screws fixings!!
i've got a joist finder...a 6inch nail