overboarding artex ceiling

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New Member
hi guys,am i right in thinking that i can just board over an existing ceiling,screwing through it,then into the joists?whats the best thickness of board to do this 95 or 125mm?current ceilings slightly off and was gonna level new boards with a bit of bonding where needed.its too "off" for just a reskim.i was gonna rip old one down,but theres soo much crap and dodgy insulation above it in the loft,im tryin to avoid it.any advice much appreciated..
Hi there the first thing I would is see if the jousts can take the weight of screwing the new boards over them just knock a hole in the ceiling or go int the attic and have a look if they will then great if not bad luck u then need to find which way the ceiling jousts are running and mark the center of them with a chalk line I would 2 inch plaster board screws and a plaster board lift if you are by yourself and slap them up scrim tape the offset joints and plaster the whole lot best of luck
ta for that ducky,just have to try n fit me fat ar** through the tiny hatch to get up into the loft now :) let you know how it went when finished.In that same room ,theres a large 'cubbyhole' with a 45 degree sloping roof which someone has stuck foil back insulation all over,and the walls..right mess it is.i have a suspicion previous owner may have been a keen gardener ;),hes put about 4 layers of the stuff on,just hope its not hiding any probs with the actual roof,will find out when i rip it all down.cheers again
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