Overboarding A Ceiling

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Hello All
After some tips on overboarding, was told that you should always overboard as opposed to ripping ceiling down etc, but if ceiling in bad way and sagging can this be overboarded and whats the best way to determine where the struts are, cheers
Hmmm, I like to rip them down or get the customer to do it. pain in the ass trying to avoid tacks ect

I in an ideal world us 12.5mm board but not always possible.

Joist distances are normally 400mm or 600mm apart sometimes they vary. I normally find one joist on one side of the room find the other end and ping a chalk line across that way you can tack / re tack and not miss the joist as many times.

also mark the center of the joists on the wall so that when you put your board up you dont lose them lol

I bought I joist finder a few months back but it was poo found the joist within 4inches I found it quicker using my method of random drilling and tapping the ceiling to see what sounds hollow ect.

So thats what I do, overboarding is quicker ect butb I like a fresh start

depends on ceiling but if its sagging I'd rip it down cos getting it level again would be a bugger!
Or get the customer to do it. They're usually up for being destructive and saving some money. I'd steer clear of letting them put up the new ones cos you'll waste a day bonding in the three inch gaps they leave!!
speaking of overboarding..
had a job the other week that started to sag when i hit it with the skim..
got the customer to agree to a reboard..
went and got the boards, checked the loft hatch for insulation - isowool, newish..
pulled the first board, came down peice of p'ss, but behind it...
300mm of blown / recycled newspaper really fine like...
foot deep in shredded newspaper... had to hunt for the cordless..
funny thing was the boards...
like 1/2 inch cellotex with a paper face, artexed...
never seen em before, not insulated boards, just like a lightweight (lighter density) celotex?
anyone used these? I'd have thought they were illegal - fire risk etc.. never seen owt like it?
btw the next room got overboarded! wernt gonna go through the newspaper fallout situation again!!
if i overboard artex just use 9.5 should make any difference reali cuz there is the old board still on the ceiling.
i agree with oasis, ...however.......
if theres a slight sag in the ceiling (not a great big one or its comin down) or even the CHANCE of a sag (old lath and plaster) then i'll use 1/2 inch.. just a bit more robust.. and the price difference is negligerbil.. sorry havin a spel chequer moment..
in fact.. ill go one further and say 6x3x12.5..
1) they go up the stairs easy..
2) easier to bung up on yer own..
3) still works to 600 ctrs..
4) you can gety em in just about any reasonable vehicle..
5) less chance of em poppin screws..


1) 400 ctrs and your f'cked..
2) more expensive than 8x4's
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