Over polished tell tell signs

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Hi guys, what actually causes over polishing? And is there anything to watch for then let's me know I'm heading that way when troweling up?

Also....when a walls dry, how can I spot overpolished areas? By feel or sight or only when the paint later doesn't stick?:/
Should be pretty obvious it will be shiny! Not a lot to say on it you'll be putting in a lot of extra effort to polish it though so try and get a nice finish before it's too hard.
Haha will do. I just want know how I tell if I'm polishing it too much really. I guess how much is too much?
If you can see your reflection! It's meant to be a matt finish anyway by rights imo prefer to make sure it all drys out the same I think that looks better than shiny walls
See your reflection when it's wet or dry? Apologies to you guys who actually completely know what you're doing lol
You can see it wet or dry, I think you may be overthinking it a little unless your going mad with the water after it's set you shouldn't have too many problems.
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