over insulation

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Have a job where the client has used a knauf insulation board never done acrylic before could someone please describe the process start to finish . Much appreciated paul
just a quiry could you knot just use fibers in the mix instead of mesh,useing the fibres at a measured rate,or is this a silly idear and why?? and only in the first coat or bedding coat
marmorits sm700 has very fine fibres but due to the insulation being 1000 x 500 there is a lot of scope for cracking. The mesh also helps reinforce the render
Do you use one of those tools to go over bottom coat to remove high spots , and what gauge of mesh should it be
just saying because i have come-up with a new system for insulation of swimming pool wall's/floor that is taking off and i started off meshing over the whole lot!! now i buy fibers and add them to our fast track render system and we have not had any prob's !!! and it's a lot less trouble ;D check out my system below
https://www.diamondpoolfinishers.co.uk/ just click the link, sorry it is called
You mean a waffle float Paul, get the base coat as good as you can because you are only applying a thin top coat, the waffle float works a treat for high spots.
if you need a waffle float for insulated render your doing something wrong ie your shizer at it
what ever grand, No we don't use one but its the correct method and good for someone who has not done it before to have in there tool kit. Why you constantly put down other peoples methods just because you don't use them is beyond me.
I used one this summer ... the gear was going off quicker then I could lay it, so the old waffle came in handy.. on the odd spot
Richard, according the grand you are no good at the the job if you had to do that. I wish he would start some courses as he is clearly the best out here and we all could learn so much ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I think I will get one just incase is it the 5x5 mesh lads and what sort of depth should bottom coat inc mesh be 3..mm ?
lay a thin coat over the boards about 2mm, bed the mesh into it , then lay a second coat over the mesh nice and flat job done
simplybesty said:
lay a thin coat over the boards about 2mm, bed the mesh into it , then lay a second coat over the mesh nice and flat job done
its not often i agree with this person but he is correct... ??? To££a but correct.... but dont spray thincoat what ever he says as he is just a salesman and will sell your granny a kirky vaccum cleaner when in a nursing home >:(
How do you make that one out bender systems, Im a renderer day in day out who will get someone a machine if they want one . Do you make money on jobs you sub out, do you sell your way of doing things to customers??. anyway paul, dont listen to this BS spray it mate, ;D
no spurs won you little c**t and you should be able to get the basecoat flat without a waffle float and rich if the gear was going off that quick you should,nt be putting it on the wall now fcuk off simps
grand wizard said:
no spurs won you little c**t and you should be able to get the basecoat flat without a waffle float and rich if the gear was going off that quick you should,nt be putting it on the wall now fcuk off simps

Had to Gary, remember in june when it was hot as fook everyday for the whole month ... i even rang marmorit to see if there was a retarder we could use but nope
Render Systems said:
simplybesty said:
lay a thin coat over the boards about 2mm, bed the mesh into it , then lay a second coat over the mesh nice and flat job done
its not often i agree with this person but he is correct... ??? To££a but correct.... but dont spray thincoat what ever he says as he is just a salesman and will sell your granny a kirky vaccum cleaner when in a nursing home >:(

why not spray thin coat ,far superior imo, would have been perfect for the jobs you do , you know 40,000m2 in kuwait , just think of the saving you could have made , i mean a man with you business acumen would have costed this already and have seen it as a no brainer surely!
pwi said:
Do you use one of those tools to go over bottom coat to remove high spots , and what gauge of mesh should it be
no probs using a waffle on thin coats but be very careful you dont catch mesh , can cause you a real nightmare
Thanks for all the usefull info. And render systems you are a n.o.b I am a very traditional plasterer trying to move with the times machine plastering / insulation systems etc the last thing I want to hear on a plastering forum is idiots like you taking the (french word)
its like an angle plane for taking high spots off mp75 looks like a birds eye potatoe waffle
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