old k rend

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Private Member
popped into sheffield insulation today and was yapping to the boss and he told me he had 3 pallets of k rend ft that were between a year and 3 years out of date but kept in the dry, he said I could have the lot for nothing.

do you guys think it'll be ok ????

ft is fine texture hand applied wp is more open texture hand applied egrade is electric machine applied all have silicone in comrend is hand or machine but can be difficult to spray with no silicone in it ok rich
i aint got a clue but egrade used to be a nightmare to spray you used to have to buy a water injector which goes on mixing tube water inlet and a f**k**g big 20kva genny i found this out the hardway
i tried some old gear a few weeks ago it was 6 months out didnt finish worth a f**k so i used it to fill around my fence posts ;D ;D
Fair one mate, could end up being a whithe elephant. It's not very often you anything for free thats worth owt.
if it was e grade i would chance it and use it as a base coat but its hand applied gear so really dont think i can be bothered to be honest
to be honest I wouldn;t take it. I,ve never used K rend and have not got a clue about it. but if any one asks for it I send them your way ;)
i was offered a few pallets of parex parmurex ocr but its not worth taking any chances with the stuff... the use by date is there for a reason... also if mugs like us take it it saves them paying to skip it... as land fill is expensive now
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