off work today having roblems with rota and staters where using webber ocr tiling grade .worked off and on doing a few thousand meters in the last couple of month . no problems but now av done 3 rotors and staters in in 3 days doing b between 120 and 160 m2 a day . not just my machine either there as putzmiester getting used by lads on the books there only doing about 70 meters a day and the same is happening to them .whats going on lads .also only walls that are left to do is the referb work its going on 50 to 60 mm thick so it has got to be fired on with machine or i would have just got the old hawk and trowel out again used pft twister d63 and putzmeisters same thing happening .could it be differant batch of gear to course dont think so myself just dont understand contractor doesn,t want to supply anymore roters and staters till prob is sorted i cant afford to hang around to long .dont get me wrong i want to finish it for the guy but whats the answer any ideas lads