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Just priced 232 Square meters of external render, and given the bloke two options:-

(1st option Rendaid & OCR 3) Never used this kit before however know it rubs up the same as S&C any tell tale signs of when to start rubbing up ????

(2nd option S&C) If he goes for this option will the Rendaid be a suitable reciever for the top coat instead of a S&C scratch ????

Cheers Mush
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whats the background , does it really need to be rendaided , ocr is good gear and it picks up nice , very creamy gear to use the surface gets a slight crust over it that's when i normally float it but you need to be quick with it as it can set a bit rapid (maybe the rend aid would be a good idea if you have never used it) the other alternative is to let it set then use an I section scraper over the whole surface, this gets it really flat then use a scratch pad (ideally a worn one rather then brand new) give it a light brush down and the jobs a goodun, the scratch pad method i personally think is the best and the easiest
Good post monkeyboy ;), i have heard a lot about OCR and i think its about time someone let us into the finer details of using it, like whats the setting time from mixing to finishing, how does it work in different temperature's do you have to clean things off before you start rubbing up or as you go like s&c ?
temperature does affect it, in the winter time leave it over night (unless your doing a sponge finish but be prepared for a late day, you want to aim for getting everything on by 10am) in the winter apply late afternoon, be very carefull in the summer as if your in direct sunlight it can flash set on you, not a problem if your doing a scraped finish but bad news if your doing a sponge finish, you should always keep things clean anyway, it normally goes off quite nicely, once the wall is on you can quite often turn straight back and rub it up (if your doing scraped finish then leave for a bit longer til the wall feels nice and firm) i find the best way for a float/sponge finish is to spend a bit of time with it getting it nice and flat as your putting it on then rather then using a float use 1 of those round slurry sponges that BG do, or if the wall is going of at a nice steady pace the use an i section and then sponge it straight away......hope that helps
yes mate good post, but not quite sure (4 beers in all ready ) so you can scrape it back like a coloured mono (k rend wp)when its set .... or you can rub it up as its setting with a poly float and sponge it to finish it ?is it that easy mate ?
Im following this with interest as i have never seen or used the stuff.

can you get hold of any photos of the finishes ???

southernmonkey said:
whats the background , does it really need to be rendaided , ocr is good gear and it picks up nice , very creamy gear to use the surface gets a slight crust over it that's when i normally float it but you need to be quick with it as it can set a bit rapid (maybe the rend aid would be a good idea if you have never used it) the other alternative is to let it set then use an I section scraper over the whole surface, this gets it really flat then use a scratch pad (ideally a worn one rather then brand new) give it a light brush down and the jobs a goodun, the scratch pad method i personally think is the best and the easiest

Cheers for the feed back

The background is solid, but only on about 3mm thick !!! Then a high build stipple over the top. the main problem is that who ever layed it on has set 3mm internal thincoat beads which are now rusting and pulling thro the wall. The plan is for them all to come off and replace with pvcu bead the high build stipple is generaly solid but flacky in areas so the worst of that is comming off also, then rendaid, then OCR 3.
If the bloke decides to go with the second option of S&C need to know wether i can use rendaid instead of a S&C scratch ??
Its nice and sticky when you apply it , goes on nice , no additives or bags of lime to worry about ,just ad water, rubs up real nice with a float , or flaot and sponge.
Does it have a chemicial set time like hardwall / multi finish ?...... what im trying to say is ..... will it set hard /unworkable without suction and hot weather ?
church said:
yes mate good post, but not quite sure (4 beers in all ready ) so you can scrape it back like a coloured mono (k rend wp)when its set .... or you can rub it up as its setting with a poly float and sponge it to finish it ?is it that easy mate ?

yes mate you can scrape it like mono or you can float and sponge it it is that easy
MUSH 9 said:
southernmonkey said:
whats the background , does it really need to be rendaided , ocr is good gear and it picks up nice , very creamy gear to use the surface gets a slight crust over it that's when i normally float it but you need to be quick with it as it can set a bit rapid (maybe the rend aid would be a good idea if you have never used it) the other alternative is to let it set then use an I section scraper over the whole surface, this gets it really flat then use a scratch pad (ideally a worn one rather then brand new) give it a light brush down and the jobs a goodun, the scratch pad method i personally think is the best and the easiest

Cheers for the feed back

The background is solid, but only on about 3mm thick !!! Then a high build stipple over the top. the main problem is that who ever layed it on has set 3mm internal thincoat beads which are now rusting and pulling thro the wall. The plan is for them all to come off and replace with pvcu bead the high build stipple is generaly solid but flacky in areas so the worst of that is comming off also, then rendaid, then OCR 3.
If the bloke decides to go with the second option of S&C need to know wether i can use rendaid instead of a S&C scratch ??

if it's got high build you need to scrape off the loose then give it a coat of stabilising solution and let that dry or 24 hours or however long it says on the tin, then rend aid it then OCR, you should be able to go straight over rend aid without a scratch coat with S&C as the rend aid kills the suction. but definatly use a stabilising solution
Move with the times Rich , you old dinasour .Wher abouts in Plymouth you live , worked down ther a few times for a mate who hung up his trowel earlier this year .
Sounds right , Sean was a genius at selling the business , huing up the trowel and went back to his old job .Things still busy down there for you .
Yes doing very well thanks kebab.

What was the story then cause one minute performance plastering was all you would see then the next minute nothing. I know he is trying to get work for £80 per day and is still quiet
kebab king said:
Sean went back to his old job , think his mate took over . Sean was a genius at selling his buissiness .

I knew Sean from over on uk spreads, indeed his business skills was very good and his firm looked very profession not sure about his people and plastering skills tho
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