nvq level 2

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::)Has anyone done the plastering nvq level 2,would i be able to pass this level whilst working as a builders labourer or do i need to be plastering full time.
You need to be working as a plasterer to get the evidence as proof mate but no need to be full time.
hya m8,

i got my level 2, 3 years back how it works an assessor comes out once a week or so over I think it was around 12 weeks, we had homework, which he helped out with,he took pictures of us skimming dabbing and tacking, then once we had done the 12 weeks we had a seperate touch screen test on health and safety that we had to study in home work, although it is mostly common sence,

now i have been a plasterer all my life 30 odd years the assessor a very nice bloke was a painter, where is the sence in that?

the NVQ2 is needed to work on most sites now, as it has to be recorded in the induction, and i think it is going to be made compulsry in the next few years

my thoughts on this NVQ is a complete farse I was working 2 and 1 and our labourer asked if Iwould bluff him through so of course I did, he can trowel up but thats it,

the 3 of us are now on par as plasterers as he was pictured putting boards on to dabbing and holding a st edge over the wall /nailed a plasterboard/ and trowled a wall up, and did his homework and took the health safety test

you can go to collage and gain this NVQ2 but it will cost you
hya m8,

i got my level 2,  3 years back how it works an assessor comes out  once a week or so over I think it was around 12 weeks, we had homework, which he helped out with,he took pictures of us skimming dabbing and tacking, then once we had done the 12 weeks we had a seperate touch screen test on health and safety that we had to study in home work, although it is mostly common sence,

now i have been a plasterer all my life 30 odd years the assessor a very nice bloke was a painter, where is the sence in that?

the NVQ2 is needed to work on most sites now, as it has to be recorded in the induction, and i think it is going to be made compulsry in the next few years

my thoughts on this NVQ is a complete farse I was working 2 and 1 and our labourer asked if Iwould bluff him through so of course I did, he can trowel up but thats it,

the 3 of us are now on par as plasterers as he was pictured putting boards on to dabbing and holding a st edge over the wall  /nailed a plasterboard/ and trowled a wall up, and did his homework and took the  health safety test

you can go to collage and gain this NVQ2 but it will cost you

know what tommy? that is the most common sense, complete and frank answer we've ever had on the subject.. nice one...
I believe its called OSAT (on site assesment and training)
says it all...
Great,my boss is always passing work to different plasterers when,with a little time and the nvq my boss might give me a crack at the title.
I did my level 2 last year on site, basically me, the other spread and the labourer went into the canteen, filled out a load of paper work(which he told us do) and he shot off said he ll be back in a few days or so. He came back a few days later and took some photos of us, as said above tackin a wall, applying plaster or whatever and that was that. What made me laugh was he asked the labourer 2 put some plaster on the ceiling which he d never done before and it was in his eyes and everywhere, covered in the sh!t, anyway they still gave him his nvq which he no longer needs cos he s workin in a factory now makin milk cartons yipeeeee.
all this.. and then you get some site agent who goes 'well have you got your nvq level 2?'...
wonder if you can do the same s**t for brain surgery??
how much is the osat these days anyway? and can you get the government to pay for it even if its a blag? seems the goverment set it up in the first place so its just a source of revenue... cant be anything else like 'helping to standardise trade workmanship' with sh't like that goin on can it?
i know yea, wen i did it last year i was subbyin to a firm who wanted his whole workforce to hav nvq level 2 and have cscs cards and i think the goverment paid for the whole lot and this firm must of had 50-60 lads workin for him.
complete waste of taxpayers money then unless they tighten up the standards...
thing is its plastering... what constitutes a good standard? 'stand 2 metres from the wall and view with a strip light placed at 3 metres when painted with a matt emulsion to observe no 'discernible' unsightly characteristics...'
common sense is becoming a very valuable commodity in todays world... wish i could bottle it :-/
and to be honest, i could teach someone to hit that standard on a 4m x 2.4m wall with their eyes shut in 2 weeks...
what happens when they go out on price and have to throw a 30 metre set on?
::)Has anyone done the plastering nvq level 2,would i be able to pass this level whilst working as a builders labourer or do i need to be plastering full time.
just thinking back to your question mate...
dunno what your on with as a 'builder labourer' but you will need a little bit a trowel experience.. i know it looks easy mate, but thats down to the skill and experience of the guys you're watching... if youve never had a go i'd suggest pick your moment when youve done everything you can find to do and save your gaffer the hassle of finding you some work... ask him if you can help the plasterers out... with a bit of luck and the right attitude (you seem to have it) youll get a go a flattening off when they aint under too much pressure, maybe even layin on if you can show youve got the aptitude... then if the gaffer see's this you might get a few smallish walls / patching up jobs.. then think about the nvq.... if the assessor spots you and can see youve never held a trowel in your life then no matter how dodgy he is, he wont have much option other than to reject you..
anyone gone down the EWPA route? just looking on the contructionskills site now, and you can go to a center for a day and be assessed. It says that theres grants for companies to do osat and ewpa but there doesn't seem to be any info for sole traders, anybody here know anything?
when you say 'companies' whats the criteria? my mates set up as ltd, im a company and im sole trader... ive also signed on too... jobcentre looked at me stupid when i told em what the crack is with the nvq shite...
givin it all the 'well if you can plaster you can get on site with a cscs...' so i go 'yeh, but get me an nvq and i can be on any site, wherever it may be, tomorrow...', then they looked at me stupid again...????
not that i want to earn 2.50 a metre you understand, but it might just pay the bills over christmas...
no idea what they reckon a company is.... case studies on the site say things like "i got all 50 of my boys trained up" i got a cscs general operative card and i've been screeding recently, i reckon if you're on site and you can do the job, most agents won't give a feck!
pug most sites or everyone that I have been on, you need to be inducted before you get your tools out, and when getting inducted they will want to see your card if you aint got it they will probs not let you work on site mostly to do with health and safty than if you can preform or not, I am talking big sites here, not 1 or 2 houses,

its all changed over the last 2/3 years the last big site i was on 2 massive office blocks probs around 150 men on site you had to have hat/on at all times safty glasses hanging around your neck at all times and full protection gloves on at all times, I am never happy skimming with hat and gloves on

long gone are the days of beer crates for stools if they catch you with one now, you could be finished instantly I had my last beer crate for the last 10 years but sadly it had to go to make way for health/safety
like i said tommy, i've got a cscs card but only a labourers one. i'm talking nvqs here. last site i was on, 1month ago, 130 room hotel, sports center and pool, me and anther screeder, after induction i told the agent i laboured and laid the screed, he said fine., same as the 5 or 6 previous sites i was on this year.
you want to try screeding in hard hat and sweat dripping on your safety glasses!
You can do the three week NVQ course at Goldtrowel and they will organise your onsite assessments . You can even be assessed doing jobs around your own home, Mates or Local. It's £960 but you get £170 back once you've recieve your NVQ in 6 month-ish.
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