No spray no pay lads

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Don't we just love the rain
just got everything under control and now with the weather it's just going to back up again urrrrrr!
hate not being able to get on with it iv now got 2 mono jobs and a render job to finish. And a new render paint job to doo and cant coz it keep fcking raining
will be ok tho should be inside this week hope to get out side soon
Haha all my work is outside and I live in statistically the wettest city in Britain! Lovelly
Sprayed yesterday rubbed down this morning but no spray this afternoon, looks like were beading 2 moro morning !!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you lads that specialise in rendering do when it's raining this year must have been a nightmare!
This time of year we just pray mate haha
still I suppose it's a reason to doss on the couch in front of the tele .good times
Iam a spread 15 years doing price work but I'm set up for the renders these days and my lads have been taught by me only to do renders so I tend to stick with it I do the odd private here and there but the stilts haven't seen any action for a while lol
WTF is precipitation ? are we still talking about rain :confused: or have we got more to worry about

some wallys about these days,
precipitation is any kind of water vapour that falls from the sky as in rain,sleet etc .all part of the water cycle aint it, water falls to the ground,it evaporates back into the air with the sun, the process starts again. next time your little one asks where rain comes from youll know. :cool:
What do you lads that specialise in rendering do when it's raining this year must have been a nightmare!

This year has been particularly bad. Pissed it down to mid August and the bank balance reminds you of it. Done 1 day so far this week and from the end of next week it going to get cold. I averaged 1 day a week last winter I usually manage 2. Dreading this winter, as soon as the cold snap comes what few customers you have cancel.
global warming eh, its usually the daily express that scare mongers with the weather.hope for a december as mild as last year, was putting acrylic on day before christmas eve last year.
we spray in any weather lol rough cast or scratch. webber isnt too bad in the rain as long at the bloks are dryish. marmorrit is a nono lol
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