No Brainer???

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Allright fellas,
Gonna get my van sign written soon and I'm debating to go for just plastering or general building services. I know it sounds daft but I've been a roofer for five years and I've done blockwork and general building to over the years. if I just advertise for plastering am i gonna get limited work or if I go into general building will I look lie 'Jack of all trades, Master of none?'
Been subbing for last 3 year and sick of crap money and asbestos work!!!! :o

split it down the middle plastering one side roofing the other ;)
my van and cards say " plasterer, other building work undertaken" cos when i started out on my own customers would often ask, can you...... while you're here can you look at this etc and i'm to much of a money grabbing bast***d to turn work away!
just go for it mate, think up some groovy (non jack the lad) name, like probuild or somesuch and bang an add in the paper...make in 'renovations specialist' youll get loads of work...i hope u got all the gear though...e.g. kitchen fitting/joinery stuff, any corgi work you get usually comes as part of a bigger job...just sub it out, same with the part p electrics...
just be careful of bein to cheap, youll go bust quicker than jordan with a tube of silicon..
I think if someone wants their house plastered, they'd tend to ring a plasterer as opposed to a builder who 'does a bit of plastering'. It all depends on what type of work you want to concentrate on.

I only really do plastering and therefore advertise myself as such. That said, once you've got the job, if anything else crops up as it invariably does, there's nothing stopping you from saying to the customer 'I can sort that for you as well as skimming your ceiling....for a small additional fee of course ;)
I did 3 years at college when i was young and qualified as a chipie and i can do it but spent the last 18 years plastering my cards say plasterer,I do think people could be put off by someone that claims to do everything,I think it looks better to specialise at one thing that's just my thoughts though.
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