Nice reputation this gives plasterers...

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It must be a pain in the hole to come home ,after busting your bollix all day and find some bitch just trying to fcuk you off,thats before you even get in the door
I've felt like that many a time, and nearly came to blows with one c**t that kept obstructing my drive. Was even looking for a battered old Transit to buy and purposely clip each offending vehicle. Can I borrow your van Casper? that case Tony, you need a 04 plate Pikey wagon. Kebab has the very vehicle for the job. Failing that? just use that over-hyped T5 surf bus of yours! cheerie!!
Hello Lads,It was me,had untold agro from this neighbour over the years,and I snapped.Hopefully this will be the end of it!!!!!!
Well done,have the same problem with my neighbour,inconsiderate b*****d.He fckud off on holiday for a week left his and his mrs car on the drive,had to struggle round them.Arsehole.
Hello Kane,

have you been on here long? or just stumbled across us?

I know how you feel I have had the same in the past :-)

Hi Danny,Been on your forum a couple of years now-couldn't log in with my old name!!
Thanks for your comments:RpS_laugh:
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