ni beading

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New Member
hi everyone
could anyone tell me the best way to fix beading on is it with screws, bonding or is there anything else you can use and can you fix the beading square or does it have to be cut with a point and then the two points meet sorry to be a pain i am just after as much info as i can get
If its Gyproc or similar i will screw them in. One screw per foot kinda thing. Nails work too, but screws are better.
If its a solid wall, i stick it on with bonding or finish. Whatever im using. Just make sure its well glued/sealed and make sure you let it set before you go for any hard work on it. Remember to tape! I normally tape the corner, then get the bead on, then tape the bead to the wall too. This means there is no chance of cracks.
Unless it has a wooden dowel behind it, in which case you have to pray to various gods to stop it cracking! ;D
If its an old house with wooden bead in the corner, tape the wood first then nail the bead on, should stop the cracking.
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