Newbie from Essex

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New Member
Hi everyone

glad i came across this forum its really helped me out

Im completly new to this after 10 years in the motor trade

i've just booked myself onto the goldtrowel nvq plastering course in july, is anyone else just starting off or going on the goldtrowel course

also any tips or advice from all the experienced lads on here would be much appreciated


welcome to the site mate .goldtrowel is very good course ..make sure you watch the dvds a good couple of times as this helped me loads try and understand plasterering as much as pos before you go it will make the course much easier.. ;)
stick to the motortrade at the moment mate the arse is falling out the building game at the moment, after you finish the course you wil struggle to find anyone to give you a break unless you no of someone, but all the best though.
I agree any one starting out at the moment will struggle to find work, its a dark period for us spreads. I have been talkin to a few spreads and they been saying its all been a bit quiet latley, luckily we havent struggled for work as yet this year, but 2 of our big jobs we got on are now coming to an end in the next couple of weeks, and we might have a quiet period until the next job starts, as i know our next job (which was gonna be starting at the begining of july) aint even up to first floor level yet, and it should have been nearly ready for plastering by now. Also normally we would usually have loads of phone calls for work and well its been very quiet on that front, never mind will have loads of time to go fishing instead.
:'( Bloody hell! Get the prozac!!! Don't let em put you off mate. If you wan't something bad enough....go for it. You don't wan't to be on your death bed in 50 years time thinking "What would have been".
Worst comes to worst u can always go back to motor trade until it picks up again (It will).

Do the course but keep you motor trade job.

Get some plastering jobs (Friends and family) Evenings and weekends.

Start advertising

See what happens.

Good luck fella ;)
listen i was only pointing out the fact that building game is slowing right down, the motor trade will always have plenty, and in the coming months and maybe a year or two new spreads will find it very hard, but atleast you will have another trade to full back on,
gps i was only havin the crack, the game is slowing down a bit but having another string to your bow is always an advantage, i wish i knew something about mechanics. :)
It is very true whats been said,its quiet out there!(site work anyway) here in northwest england.BUT,if you hussle around and pick up that invention they call the telephone,you will find may only find inner city jobs (which nobody likes!!parking costs and spaces,avin to watch your tools all the time,cables everywhere,health an safety bein over the top etc) paying the goin rate of a pathetic £120 a day,but its better that £0 a day!!

as was said,if you want something bad enough,9 times outa ten you'll get the end of the day,if you make sure your work is of a good standard,you dont let bosses down and you dont leave where your workin lookin like a plaster bomb went off,you'll get a good name for yourself,which is imperative when times are quiet.

The only reason Newbie,you would get a negative respone from fellow spreads,is because we are greedy f*ckers who want all the work to ourselves!!!! ;D dog eat dog my friend....
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