new work/ revite work

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I have worked on new houses for the last 14 years, 3 and1 squad got finished 10 weeks ago, since then have worked for agencys on social housing with my apprentice (revite work the dreggs) but I must say I have had my eyes opened, the standard of work from Agency plasterers and i have now seen around 20 is horrendus they would not last 1 day on new work,

no style no speed dog ruff, untidy, cannot brush a simple patch in correctly cannot get over simple problems, and I could go on and on, One thing I can say if there are time served propper plasterers out there and out of work theres always hope

i am deciding now if I should travel to Cambridge to take a big job on 6 months work I have been offered a job of hardwall and set @£6 per metere I have only done a small amount of hardwall and set 17 years ago, as all my work before dot/dab/ skim was Browning, and I cannot remember what meteridge I could do with Hardwall, can anyone comparte it to me to Browning/skim for area inother words would u be able to do more hardwall and skim or Browning and skim and also is £6 per meter the going rate down south

if £6 per m was subbing of a contractor id say it was below average , You would have to float and set around 40 sq m a day 1+1 to earn ok and that depends on the job ? big, long straight blockwork it would be easy or tight little rooms loads of beading and stairwells not so good but work is work at the mo id take it ;) float till 11 o c ,quick bite and rub up wait for the chemical set of the hardwall (colour change and gives of heat ) then slap the set on one big hit .
cheers church,
I would need to earn alot more than £240 per day between 2 of us in london, working for tha agencys in the North are paying £13 per hour and u do less than nothing for it, 40m aint alot on average work, thats take the good with the bad, but I can only compare it to browning and skim that I did every day for 10 years, I worked 1 and 1 and we had to average 70m @£2.30 float and set every day to make decent money, the 70m only gave us £400 a week 17 years ago and that was at £2.30 a meter

i was hoping my m8 and I could average 70 m a day then it would be worth going down for, but like i said i did very little hardwall and cannot remeber if we got the same price, if we did then 70m should be no problems on average work
yeah hardwalls no easyier or harder to do than browning , maybe hardwalls a bit heavier but nothing to shout about ,it might be worth as a tip to get a daimond face plastic float from refina if you havnt got one allready, there very good on hardwall ;)
i'm used to 4.50 mate so i'd be snapping his arm off.......especially at the mo !
;D he's alright mate i can't moan cause i've learnt the trade through the boom ...........but when it picks up again i'll be having a look around deffo :D
do you fancy working with me? getting into hot dogs, cooking em at £3.00 a linear meter.... trust me its future ...... just take alook around at all the lardisss. cant fail :)
deffo mate but the onion placing will have to be on daywork and as for slicing the rolls ............have you got much in on it ?
Doing a test run tonight .... going to slap a sausage on the mrs baps :D thinking of mixing mustard & kechup 50/50 in a gorilla tub and using stainless chesse with a full mesh lettice
f/m/l that's one hell of a key for the mustard splatter dash .......... do you think they'll be much movement?
aup church, ya not a million miles away with stuff like that! people like food!!!! i love cooking, any dish ya like but duck with morrelo cherry sauce is me thing, me an the mrs on sat and sun night in the kitchen, drinking red an cooking, kin brill! went to gordon ramseys last year wot a treat, get ya selves booked in an do it. i'm pretty certain cooking wil b my next career, nice little bar abroad!
aup church, ya not a million miles away with stuff like that! people like food!!!! i love cooking, any dish ya like but duck with morrelo cherry sauce is me thing, me an the mrs on sat  and sun night in the kitchen, drinking red an cooking, kin brill! went to gordon ramseys last year wot a treat, get ya selves booked in an do it. i'm pretty certain cooking wil b my next career, nice little bar abroad!

Sounds nice ive offten wondered if these top chefs are as good as they say they are ? perhaps they are , ive always fancied a little cottage by a river naer a pub of course ;)
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