new trowel

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New Member
trying not to get to excited,goin to get me sen a new trowel might go for tyzack,been using marshall town for years cant complain,but the tyzack seems to look a lot better quality stainless,your thoughts
heard mixed reports about the ready to go range going out of shape i have a couple of the tyzack premier range the ones with the brass rivots and they are fine no problem at all.
I bought a tyzak resently and its all bent already dont know wat happened it , i just used it s+c , it was just a steel one though.13" marshalltown cant go wrong!
i got a new trowl..and its a pre warn in one ..but its leave lines in the wall and sorta drags do i ware it in ?
I use MarshallTown, cant go wrong, I also use an oil stone to do mine if I dont have any render on?


PS technicianman Welcome to the forum bud (I dont like poaching people but it has to be done sometimes)
used to use tyzack when i was younger but always found marshal town to be the best and have never used anthing else since
... thanks danny i know all about forums we run one aswell good bunch of guys on ours and we dont ban either... its just product manafacturers who cause us problems
ask grand wizard he has some good views about trowels ;D......personnaly ive always used marshalltown tried tyzack but didnt really like them
the best trowel is the one you feel most comfortable with personally i use a 16x4 mt carbon with wooden handle as for breaking in just use it the action of taking plaster off the hawk or handboard will break it in ;)
ive got loads of trowels i might even stick a couple on ebay, use a 13x5 golden permashape for rendering and a 13x5 carbon steel for skimming got to say i prefer carbon steel as you get a nice bot of flex with the blade
Save your money my friend and stick with marshalltown, i also went over to tyzack and within a few months the trowel was all bent and twisted. We dont make stainless like we use to and we can`t produce trowels like the yanks can. Regards kosta (k`s plastering services)
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