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Fine Interiors

New Member
Hi Guys

We are a Drylining firm who has recently been asked to do a bit of plastering. Please bear with me as i list the spec -----

Undercoats: Mix 1:4-5 masonary cement: sand or 1:5-6 cement:sand (with air entraining admix)
Cement Type: Contractors choice
- Thickness (excluding dubbing out and keys) : 12mm
Final Coat: Mix: either 1:4-5 masonary cement:sand or 1:5-6 cement:sand with air entraining addmix
Thickness: 7mm
Finish: Plain

Now, in my limited knowlege this is 2 coat work? what sort of rates should i be paying plasterers? Based on VERY large areas. Ideally would like it sprayed on. This is just 1 of the specs i have. There are about 4 diferent specs. Wet/Dry areas. High impact etc

is there a bagged basecoat product that i can buy in? Or should i order sand + cement and mix on site?

Many thanks

mp75 or hardwall (spray on) a good m8 of mine has a machine willing to travel just pm me with the m2 you want done and how and ill pass on the info and your number and where the job is ill be seeing him tomoz or monday
theres more then one spec think theres 4 ;)
my m8 can spray it for you m8 just pm me the plasterers name is pat if you want i can get him too call you
i mite be interested in it m8
f&s £2.50
skimming £2.oo
hand applyed
Thistle Tough Coat is good on hi impact
there is a new plaster/render on the market 100% waterproof one coat
is there a bagged basecoat product that i can buy in? Or should i order sand + cement and mix on site?

use mp75 all in one or hard wall as a backing coat sorted
Link Removed
nice gear
Ive moved this to the machine section should get more help with cpi products which i think will help you .
fine interiors, speak to simplybesty, southern monkey, grandwizard, sprayit, goody and theres a few others. they use machines day in day out, they actually know what they are talking about mate, unlike some
Sub it to a plastering rendering firm with a good reputation and listen to all the advice and procedures they have. Then copy them when you are confident you are capable
Thanks for the advice guys. Not all of it needs to be sprayed. Just a few Walls 30m x 8m. Figure it's better than lugging up the scaffold. There is about 7000m2 in total. Going to be an interesting challenge but very doable :-)
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