New Ritmo Video ( don't watch if you are G**)

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Active Member
Ok I have made a rough video to show the PFT Ritmo being used on a render only system. The Ritmo is plugged into 240 mains electric. The video is aimed at showing plasterers that you don't need a huge investment to help make your jobs go quicker for you to squeeze as much profit from each job as possible.
The Ritmo can be used in any plastering application and with some informative training and good back up will start paying for itself very quickly.
The thin coat plaster application shown here is a good guide to see how clean and efficient this system can be when done by a competent professional.
There may be a few subtle hints about where to buy this machine but you are in the machine section so dont watch it if you are a slag

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Regards Church
the baged render you used first. can that be used as plain faced render will it give the the same finish as sand cement and lime. also that power float looks the biznis.
Yes it can the UP210 was floated up to a stucco finish ready to recieve a coat of self cleaning paint. UP 210 is a sand cement and lime basecoat . We will use an airless sprayer to paint the whole job, the bands are different colour to the main areas and so is the plinth.
Thats blockwork on the plinth monkey and we use a plinth mortar for that. We rub it up like stucco. then paint it.
same rotor and stator and turn the speed down
how wuch would it cost then for enuf bags to do 60 m2 and can it go onto straight onto block work in 1 coat
From one nice job to a full on (french word) up check this one out.. its so bad we had 2 film it!
lol no this is a job done by some1 i do know.. but we were doing the inside work .. shocking wernt it
oasis said:
lol no this is a job done by some1 i do know.. but we were doing the inside work .. shocking wernt it
its not the best ha. what you doing inside. looks like a big gaf.
the customer just wants the bad falliugn away bits patched in and were happyish to fill all cracks!

gota love the way my lab find every bad bit funny
ian where is that mate wouldn mind having a look at the bagged mineral finish compared to acrylic. The new ritmo l will be a blinding propostion with a little more juice on tap but setup for mortar etc.
I think the ritmo l will give a bit more output rather than more distance. 15 mts is plenty for most jobs.
its the city of llandeilo
ah was up there on fri with the woman spending the hard earned in Toast.....saw that architect in there off grand designs with the limecrete slab/screed
was gonna say....'hey it's you off grand designs....then thought shut up you t w a t.

So doesn this spell the end of the likes of the g4/5 with pft shifting the emphasis over to the ritmo design and single phase development?
i sprayed ecorend four storeys up in single phase with 20m hose on and worked fine until we left it too long between lifts and it tripped out the motor. Switched to 3 phase and worked straight away. The xl is too heavy really to lug about and is more a g4/5 alternative in dual voltage. The baby ritmo of ian's is small enough to take where you want and could be carried by two guys easily
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