new part L regs

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Private Member
Does anyone know any thing about the change in regs for part L i think.If you replace over a certain amount of external render on a property, do you have to install insulation this already in or coming in or just a proposal at the moment,seem to rember hearing about it.
ther is a few mentions on here about that but couldnt be arsed lookin for em but they are there if you fancy a trawl
Yer the new term alteration of a 'Thermal Element of a building. If you are having work done to a 'Thermal Element' such as new roof tiles, a new brick skin to a wall or re-rendering or re-plastering, you must now get Building regulation approval by submitting a building regulation application to the local authority.
They will be charging us to have a s**t soon. Its just a pay day for the council .
Dont worry about any of this s**t, the building control departments are under severe pressure to get through work, and any hint of work dropping off and they will be layed off due to neccasary spending cuts. Its not like they are patroling the streets looking at jobs.
Dont worry about any of this s**t, the building control departments are under severe pressure to get through work, and any hint of work dropping off and they will be layed off due to neccasary spending cuts. Its not like they are patroling the streets looking at jobs.

they do in Spain mate they have the cops searching the streets trying to catch fiddlers working, they then fine them as they havent any money in the council to pay them... they also fine the home owners if they havent got planning permission... and you need that to put a bloody tile down or a balustrade up
Well I called in to see the building regs chap on external rendering works.
So He told me if it is repairs and no more then 25% of the wall just get on with it,
If I wish to to cover the front or rear elevations then I would have to fill in "Building Regulations Application form Domestic Use" and payment of £180 .For that they would check foundations and wall plus see insultion I intended to use reach the thermal value . price for the works would have to balance with the saving on my heating cost over the next 15 years so what I save will offset the cost of works, then they would sign it off. He also said I could do the front this year and the rear next year no problem that way your not paying twice. And it should add 5% on the price of the property. I have seen on the net firms claiming you can save up to £300 -£400 per year on heating bills . Well lets say 300X15 =4,500 so I suppose that the cost you have to do a average size terrace house in. But no it dont work like that some have the boiler on 24 -7 some maybe 4 hours a day so your bills are going to be different and savings.
When I also said you could also do this work from internal walls he tried telling me it would be more expensive because of kitchen units ,tile walls in bathroom etc.
Tell him to get off ur case. The customer has to pay the bureaucratic fee for now and just render etc. Any talk of insulation should start with the green deal next autumn
To be fair to him he was ok.He just said this all come's from the goverment . Here is something to make you laugh if I submit drawing of the works then its 650.00 yes he said it makes no sense at all.
To be fair to him he was ok.He just said this all come's from the goverment . Here is something to make you laugh if I submit drawing of the works then its 650.00 yes he said it makes no sense at all.

Of course hes ok hes getting paid to do f*ck all.

Tell them the insulation is being done on the inside as the second phase of works.
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