new mixer.

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Got a new mixer. Freud FM1600. Toolstation price £220 quid. Got it brand new with warranty on ebay For £110 ;)

Used it couple of times and it seems the mutts nuts. The shop is FFX-TOOLS if anyone wants one.
Good mixer that. I've had one for over 3 yrs now. Just replaced the brushes. The standard whisk is crap though, it doesn't mix well, get a Refina one.
i use a collomix c60, had it 4 years now, very strong machine, mixes screed no problem, paid about 400 euros,
;)not bad mate i got a belle plaster mixer sooooooooooo s**t think i need a biger padle where can i get one from to fit it help me the mixer just dont do it for me so who up for a swop then it mite just be the one for you drop me a link and a line please ??? 8) ??? 8) ??? 8) ??? 8) ;)
I'll second that.. ideal.. tried it in rays wash out bucket (which is a plasterers bucket holds a bag and a bit) and on full spin - not a splash...
tons of torque.. you could mix stiff concrete with the bugger.. assuming you could keep hold of it that is!
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