new lad

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bum for spots?

im a hetro sexual male sorry pal
i like my s*x, like i like my basket ball one on one with as little driblbing as possible. :P
yes i was nelly,dont bother now adays wernt you the one with about ten thousand posts?

got sick of the sad people on there that spent there life on it[not a dig at you]. in pricipal it is a good idea but theres to many knobs on it, i didnt mind going on giving a bit of advice when i got time, owt to get rid of cowboys providing quotes for people but theres was to many know alls for my liking.
owls said:
yes i was nelly,dont bother now adays wernt you the one with about ten thousand posts?

got sick of the sad people on there that spent there life on it[not a dig at you]. in pricipal it is a good idea but theres to many knobs on it, i didnt mind going on giving a bit of advice when i got time, owt to get rid of cowboys providing quotes for people but theres was to many know alls for my liking.

Yep it was a dlckhead fest on there, I got myself banned on purpose :)
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